The cover from hell - EATEN, by Daemonicus

guitars sound pretty cool, drums doesnt sound so clear but hear-able and the vox works, i am pretty impressed

about the beer thing...... drink more and it maybe will sound cooler :D
I'm impressed.

agreed that it sounds like your straining your self to sound harsh...Tat wasn't that deep though. But hey, it's a cover, and something I'll never be able to do so props to ya still!
Times were good out in the hell-hole of Sörmjöle while recording this I tell ya!!!
Anyway, thanks for your positive replies, keep em coming!!! and stay tuned to the website for updates on our Demo from hell.....

It's ok.....nothing special, but hey, nothing beats those drunk jams lol =) I find the best death metal growls come the morning after a night of drinking. You guys should try it, growl after a night out.

I'm playing eaten with my ex band on the 25th, i'm gonna see if i can get it on video for you guys
Thanx guys for all the positive (and negative) replies.
About the harsh thing, I belive it will sound better with some training, I haven´t even been singing in about 4-5 months.
We are just just about to start the recording of our first demo, this was a fun thing to do before the demo from hell gets all of our concentration.
I doen't like the guitar sounds but I like the vocals. Really, I do
It gives me a rare feeling in my stomach :D no kidding, hah!
I like the guitar sound a lot! Sounds a little like our guitar sound in Fleshcrawl.

Long live the BOSS HM-2! A real death metal machiiine!

Is it possible to get this song as a karaoke version without any vox on it online, as i did several times before?

Would be really cool!

i showed this thread to our guy at the bass, because we recently did a cover of eaten, too. he said i should post this, so here it is:
eaten cover
unfortunately the recording quality isn't really the best and my timing sucks sometimes, but i think it didn't turn out that bad. i'm doing growls since about september '05, so i still have to practice (especially breathing technics).
so, tell us what you think :)

oh, and sorry for misusing your thread, Lo0z3R. :/ but as this is already about an eaten-cover, i thought, why starting a new one.