The cover of "Follow the Blind"


Not For Wimps
Jun 29, 2006
North From Here

What's with the guy with the huge pointy ears? Is he a hobbit? I never saw a hobbit with a beard. Is he a dwarf? I don't think dwarfs have short hair. Maybe he's a gnome or something. And what's in the sack he's holding? The guy who's standing behind him looks like he has a really long left arm. Maybe it's just a really long sleeve. Who's the faceless guy standing out on the cliff? Is he "The Blind"? Why is the sky green?

This is a killer cover for a killer album.
Dave, that would be a halfling there you see on the cover. Looks like one from Pre-Renaissance after the fall of Callafath. You can tell by the style of shirt he is wearing. Plus halflings with facial hair was popular back then.
@ Diabolik - See my comment to Dave, and apply to yourself...

@ Element Man - As much as I like Blind Guardian, I just don't see why people go as bat sh*t crazy over them as they do. They have as many lackluster songs (IMHO) as amazing songs.

Recent albums aside, I always prefered Rhapsody...........
The same thing could be said for plenty of great bands. Slayer, Metallica, etc have all been shit for longer than they were great -- but that doesn't change their early works.

Blind Guardian is the greatest. Early, mid, later. It's all good.
The frustrating thing is these bands who have 5 clunkers in a row all of a sudden get attention again when they decide to go back to more of their core sound to win fans back (pretty much all the BIG 4 bands aside from SLAYER fit perfectly in this category)

Don't get me wrong. Blind Guardian are great.
I guess for me though, it is VERY rare where I listen to an album of theirs straight through.

I will say the one time I saw them live they fully exceeded my expectations.
^Agreed....but they also happened to 'return' while metal was on a media upswing, and all the attention is coming from all the wrong sources. Any reputable source takes those records for exactly what they are.....trash.
Everything upto and including Night Fall in Middle Earth is awesome by Blind Guardian, some of my favorite heavy metal. However everything after Nightfall has been utterly disspointing for me, luckily I got to see their last tour with Thomen Stauch on drums in 2005 at St Andrews Hall so my dreams were fufilled. THe other time I saw em with the bald guy drumming really left me somewhat deflated. Not sure why anyone listens to their last few albums, utter boring over blown typical power metal to my ears.
Diabolik said:
Dave, that would be a halfling there you see on the cover. Looks like one from Pre-Renaissance after the fall of Callafath. You can tell by the style of shirt he is wearing. Plus halflings with facial hair was popular back then.

Good answer! I don't know much about halflings. The first time I ever played D&D, the other player was a halfling and he cheated me out of 500 gold pieces. I've hated those things ever since.

You need a girlfriend.

you want to know what's better than Blind Guardian?

Nothing. Fuck anything that isn't this band.

You're both absolutely right. This thread got some great responses!

The frustrating thing is these bands who have 5 clunkers in a row all of a sudden get attention again when they decide to go back to more of their core sound to win fans back

Like Voivod?

Ok Dave, you got me good with VoiVod. I have to give you points for that one......

As I said above, with Blind Guardian, I feel they have MANY great songs, but I don't really go ape poop over their full lengths, aside from a couple.

Now if you wanna talk about how amazing Dimension Hatross or Killing Technology is front to back, we can go there!!!!!! LOL
My girlfriend doesn't like Blind Guardian and it just kills me inside.

For the BG fans on this board: Find Shawn (bassist of Gatekrashor) immediately, Blind Guardian is his (and my) favorite band. We'll get loser drunk and sing Valhalla until our throats are caked in scabs
My girlfriend doesn't like Blind Guardian and it just kills me inside.

For the BG fans on this board: Find Shawn (bassist of Gatekrashor) immediately, Blind Guardian is his (and my) favorite band. We'll get loser drunk and sing Valhalla until our throats are caked in scabs

looking forward to seeing you guys get drunk. I will drive you to a bad part of town and leave you guys there.