The Cult


Nov 19, 2001
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Does anyone like The Cult? I downloaded their last album Beyond Good and Evil and was pleasently surprised by a damn good rock album. Maybe the best "rock" album I have heard in years. I didnt know they had put anything out in 10 years, but apparently they did in 2001.

I have always been a big fan, Ian Astbury is in my opinion one of the great rock singers, and BIlly Duffy has some great big rock power chords that work- something one never hears anymore. Shame Ian is singing for THe Doors.
I fucking hated HATED the Cult for years, then went to some big festival that I didn't realize they were playing, groaned when they were announced, then got the tits rocked out of me from the moment they hit the stage until they were done, one of the best bands I've ever seen live.

Still haven't bought shit from them, someday.
Always like The Cult from back in the day when they were called the Southern Death Cult (?).

Come on, Sonic Temple is one of the greatest hard rock albums of all time. It's nearly up there with Appetite for Destruction.
To be completely honest, I gave up on the album after Sonic Temple. Haven't heard anything from them since.

Again, it's one of those things where they raised the bar and can never achieve the same level of magic to that on Sonic Temple, and I don't like them enough to want to be a completist.

I'll hand to them though - they have their own unique sound. Once a Cult song starts, you just know that's a fucking Billy Duffy riff / melody.
Loved Electric and Sonic Temple, haven't heard anything since. Saw them open for Metallica in '89. Good show.
Their last album was almost better than Sonic Temple, which speaks loudly. The only album currently missing from my collection is the self titled album that came after Ceremony.

Just saw Ian with The Doors and "speed" beleive me, there was no shame in him fronting The Doors that night... He was made for the gig. Simply incredible magic.