The Cult


freelance jackass
Feb 12, 2005
Did anyone besides me see The Cult on Jimmy Kimmel last night ? They did "She Sells Santuary". I thought they sounded great and Ian Astbury was looking his best Jim Morrison ever.
TripJ. said:
No, but I saw them 2 months ago at the AVALON in Boston, they fucking rocked it.

I was there man.. What an awesome fucking show.... I actually ordered it from instant live. I havent gotten it yet though... I better look into that..
tomass74 said:
I was there man.. What an awesome fucking show.... I actually ordered it from instant live. I havent gotten it yet though... I better look into that..
I picked up my copy that night, it was a bitch waiting 45 minutes after the show WASTED, but well worth it. I think you will enjoy it, I do.
Black Thirteen said:
I am impressed that someone on our board knows who Zach G is!!! And yes, Johnny Tempesta rules!!!!

My first post and I impressed Scott! I feel giddy. I'm also a good speller and an alright guitar player.
My bad. I lifted that from Brian Posehn's website. I figured he'd know. Since you're calling me out, I'm not a very good guitar player either. Thanks for destroying my life.