the curse continues...


wizard in black
Dec 17, 2001
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...cant get internet yet, because the house we just moved into, just went up on the market! yay so maybe i'll have to fucking move again really soon! we finnaly get a house, move in, and two weeks later find out the asshole wants to sell it!so my life still sucks haha...but i did just notice the new KMFDM was released on tuesday! gotta go get that shitz... so anyways, enough bs and whining. auf wiedersehn, bitches.
omg I thought I saw a post by neal!

but maybe not.. I looked again and it was just a midget hanging from a tree
Dude the New KMFDM is INSANE !!!!!!!!!! ....

im loving it, been spinning it in the clubs for about 3 weeks (i got an early promo) People been really loving it. Its like the OLD OLD shit just sounds ALOT better !!!

Da Fukn Guru
karen = <3!

and yeh, the new KMFDM does have that retro style goin on....the music is pretty sick but the lyrics are lacking the quality that we've come to expect. first off, where the hell is the KMFDM boastful propaganda anthem? WWIII didnt really have a good one either, and the political lyrics this time around arent as clever or sharp as in the past either. also, im a fan of lucia's voice, but goddamn she is on this album a TON...but ive only listened to it a few times so im sure it'll grow on me. im just kinda let down by the sub-par lyrics. (and is it just me, or does track 5 sound like it belongs on a Garbage album?)
Tack 5 is a bit low key for KMFDM for sure. But i agree on the lyrical content. If you really think about it not much is going on in world politics right now other than the shit in the middle east. So it definitely does reflect the times .... HA HA HA HA

Da Fukn Guru