Since when have you had a face, Neal?
ok time for a new mirror pic...WITH MY GUITAR yay...yeh ok
I know, I was in shock too to discover that. Which is why it took me
about 10 minutes to even realize that the person who stands in front of me is neal (that, and the fact that I had a sleepless night and was drinking since 10am at the Thrash Against Cancer fest in SF)
the dialogue went like this:
"Karen! hi! It's neal!"
"what neal?"
"neal neal!"
"you know, neal!"
"who again?"
"neal from the nevermore board!"
"wow neal you have a face!"
eh, no I didn't really say the last line, but it sure took me forvever
That whole night is in such a blur.
<3 neal
I forgot, I have a picture!
My drunk, retarded self, with burnt red face (bloody SF sun!),
and the lovely neal:
Wait, wait, you got sunburned in San Francisco?
haha yeh and i had a weed brownie that morning so i was kind of at a loss on how to describe who i was. plus it was loud in there. <3I know, I was in shock too to discover that. Which is why it took me
about 10 minutes to even realize that the person who stands in front of me is neal (that, and the fact that I had a sleepless night and was drinking since 10am at the Thrash Against Cancer fest in SF)
the dialogue went like this:
"Karen! hi! It's neal!"
"what neal?"
"neal neal!"
"you know, neal!"
"who again?"
"neal from the nevermore board!"
"wow neal you have a face!"
eh, no I didn't really say the last line, but it sure took me forvever
That whole night is in such a blur.
<3 neal
ok time for a new mirror pic...WITH MY GUITAR yay...yeh ok
I forgot, I have a picture!
My drunk, retarded self, with burnt red face (bloody SF sun!),
and the lovely neal: