The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

I was walking back from lunch with a couple co-workers the other day . We were walking beside this building that had a little cubby hole type section with a door to the inside of the place. As we passed it, I noticed my friend look in and as soon as he did, I also looked and saw a flyer hanging on the wall with a picture of a dude standing there with no pants and another guy kneeling behind him getting ready to lick his ass. This was all on an orange flyer that was advertising something.

I looked back at Josh (the other guy who'd seen it) and he looked at me like "what in the fuck was that?"

This thread now reminds me of that flyer haha.
me and mah bah-beh


I don't recall many pictures being taken from it. This room, however, many people are probably used to the features.
I was trying to play the "I stalk you and spend loads of time in your bathroom" with that "you think", but off you go being endlessly pragmatic and rational.

At first when Cara called it a wizard I thought it had some kind of wizards name like Merlin. Then I typed wizard on accident cause' she put the word in my head. Then I figured out it was a cute way of saying lizard.