The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

why do all of kevin's pics look like he's having fun? fuck that! i wanna have fun too dammit! the weather's always better in Seattle than up here in the Bellingham area though.
Because having fun is better than being bored or unhappy. Easy as that :D

Sun and good weather definitely make it easier haha. But for me personally, usually having my camera with me is all it takes.
I'm still waiting for the right weather to go hiking up to Cedar and Pine lakes around here. It's 5 miles one way with over a 30 degree angle slope the entire way, and a LOT of switchbacks. The local papers give rating for all the trails, and there are only two that received the rating of "grueling"... that's one of em. but the view at the top is worth it.
Back part of a big sign

And a tv!

A tv? I don't see the it the person next to you?:lol:
who cares if its dirty, Im sure most peoples rooms on this board are mini warzones. Booze bottles and soda cans bodies littered everywhere, shells of what once were hamburger wrappers lying open in pools of Ketchup.Mummified pets lost to the clutter. Unfinished projects that will stay unfinished because of that colony of mold in the corner devouring anything that gets close to it. Band shirts that have never seen a washer, and pick Fairies stealing picks seemingly under your nose.