The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

[KOTNO]Narrot;6685680 said:
lol ^^ pwnd
You guys should pay more attention. I took that pic ages ago as a mock of that kid that used to always take pics of himself in the mirror with the camera in front of his face and shitty beer in his horn hand.

The Bud Light came from my golf bag where it'd sat for months prior to that pic. My dad gave it to me on the course and I put in my bag and it stayed there, until after that pic was taken. Then it was promptly poured down the drain. Not because I don't like it (I don't mind Bud Light actually) but because it was piss warm and old haha.
i know will totally wants to go to some seafood place that's supposedly amazing ... i think it's in Connecticut or somewhere New England-y so we probobly will stop by your place one of these days too!
[KOTNO]Narrot;6685867 said:
i apologize, shpongled! by the way, there's rumours you are german ... ? where are you from?

Well I was born and raised here in Seattle, but both sides of my family are all 100% German. I'm not sure what generation it was that initially came to America, but I believe it was my grandfather's father on my mom's side. My dad's parents and grandparents were dead long before I was ever born.
Well I was born and raised here in Seattle, but both sides of my family are all 100% German. I'm not sure what generation it was that initially came to America, but I believe it was my grandfather's father on my mom's side. My dad's parents and grandparents were dead long before I was ever born.
my mom was born in germany (biological father was in the 3rd Reich and her adopted father was stationed in Germany during the war) and my dad was born in Canada (which he counts as being basically half German or something) so i'm pretty much just 50% Aryan