The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

yay look what my friend just sent me :loco:



Is that a Webkinz?
Pic was taken after it was determined that sufficient omelette preparing time did not exist. That's the "I wish I had time to make this omelette I'm craving, but instead I have to go to work" face.
Yeah, but at a radio station you could remedy your problems by announcing, on the air, that the first person to bring an omelet down to the radio station gets a free t-shirt.

Then, once you have the omelet, have them promptly escorted off the property by security.
Yeah, but at a radio station you could remedy your problems by announcing, on the air, that the first person to bring an omelet down to the radio station gets a free t-shirt.

Then, once you have the omelet, have them promptly escorted off the property by security.

meh, not radio enough. usually it is the first woman to bring me an omellete naked or some such. The first one who eats an omellete out of my ass etc.
You guys are talking about pre-Janet Jackson nip-slip and dumb water drinking bitch radio. Nothing fun ever happens in radio anymore without severe FCC repurcussions. Gone are the days of "First female caller to come to the studio with pot and booze wins!"
Yep, which is ridiculous really. If some chick wants to do that shit, it's her own choice. Furthermore if you feel offended by something don't watch/listen to it. If you continue to listen/watch then you're a fucking sadist and that's it.
What I don't get is why TV can get away with it and radio can't. We're not even allowed to say "ass" in reference to a person's character ("he's an ass"), much less talk about the literal meaning or what an asses job is (feces). The absolute worst thing a radio DJ could say nowadays is "Put something in your ass then pull it out of your ass." And there's no such thing as safe harbor anymore. Just because it's 2am doesn't mean we can do it.

But I was watching Comedy Central the other night and they were replaying the uncensored Roast of Pamela Anderson. Lisa Lampanelli comes out and starts talking about black guys cocks and how she's let X amount of black guys put their cock right into her ass, etc etc etc, basically saying every word and phrase and that equals lost jobs and revoked licenses in radio. Sort of a double standard there.

The best explanation for this that I've heard from the FCC is that with TV, you can see exactly what's going and with radio you have to visualize it in your mind so it's not allowed because who knows what someone says on air will look like in a person's own mind. This brings lots of "WTF?!'s" from me and every other radio employee in America.

Fuck the FCC right up INTO and OUT OF it's SHITTY ASS.
An organisation not fit to purpose. You realise they're ruled by the minority that happen to be the most vocal? The rest of us have better concerns than complaining to the FCC all the time.
True, but what difference does it make? Even though it doesn't happen that often, when that vocal minority complains the FCC brings down the hammer without a second thought.
Well, unless everyone who was NOT offended called the FCC to register their un-dismay, not much, I don't think. If that was to happen and the FCC continued as it did, then it becomes a lame duck organisation, as well as demonstrably showing itself to be ruled by a value set many listeners do not ascribe too, and perhaps nefariously influenced by politicians.

Maybe an experiment worth trying.