The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

Oh man, the most vile thing I've ever placed in my mouth is Heineken LIGHT. I'm a sucker for slickly marketed new products, so I had to try it.

Jesus Crisco, it was gross. Even worse than my previous worst beer ever: Pabst Genuine Draft. Don't look for it--it no longer exists.
PS: I love how every thread on this board starts on topic, shifts to something else usually by the second post, and eventually ends up on beer, food, or women. :kickass:

BTW, just made a Turkey burger for dinner with grilled onions and orange bell pepper. LETS SEE SOME PICS
I'm quoting myself because you fuckers started a new page.

Maybe I should just clean my mirror?

Dang it! you made me think I totally lost my mind! I was thinking that I was in the Daily Camera page not the sexy pic page. But where did I leave off. I know I just posted here. DAMN! OH, I posted in the other thread.
