The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

I don't particularly care for crunches either. My ab muscles are mostly maintained by other ab exercises that I do while I'm standing up. Don't know the name for any of them, but I'll deem one of them "invisible hula hoop." :p
Medicine ball work-outs have been the most intense and probably effective abs-wise, but I only get to do that once a week.

Sit-ups are fine.
I dunno if this is even a real exercise or if I just invented it, but one thing I found that really works the abs is to stand while holding a couple of dumbbells close to your chest, then bring your knee up to your chest. You'll feel it in your abs when you bring your knee down, slowly.
Medicine ball work-outs have been the most intense and probably effective abs-wise, but I only get to do that once a week.

holy shit this man is correct, basically every core muscle you have has to do something to keep your balance while doing ... situp-but-sideways-too-things on top
It's all about weighted body endurance exercises for abs and other core muscles.
It's all about weighted body endurance exercises for abs and other core muscles.

So, on my machine in the garage the tricept pushdown bar can also be held in front of you when you sit down so you can pull it down for crunches.

Would it be better to do those on max weight or not too much weight and a lot of them?
Depends on what you want to do. Toning means less weight more reps, muscle building means more weight less reps.

What people don't seem to understand nowadays is that everyone has abs, it's just a matter of loosing the fat that's on top of them. Yea, ab strengthening does just that, but if you don't have any sort of visual definition, it's usually a little fat.

Secondly, diet is the most important factor when working out or training. If you're trying to gain mass, you want your calorie intake to be equal to or more than the amount you're burning off in that day. If you're toning and trying to loose weight, you need to lower your intake to less than that of the amount you're burning off in that day. Lots of protein to help rebuild the muscles.
┼Victim of the Night┼;7376957 said:
Well, I'll say hi here...
These are not pics I took "today", more like a while ago, but still looks like me except for my hair, it's much longer now...



...the mirror is always involved somehow! :)

oh my, where are you from?

In the shadows is a bit vague :cool:
I did. She was cool until she flew off the handle. And she certainly wasn't as much of a fucking turd as other posters here are. Let's hope she interprets this as a needed lesson in humility and stays with us. If not, then too bad. It was certainly nice to see that, unlike on other forums, people weren't defending her just 'cause she's cute.

what frenchy are you talking about? I can't remember her.
Psycroptic? However the fuck you spell it. She went apeshit, thinking Texas Derick was being racist or something.
o rly? Sucks. First thing I learned here is to never take people seriously and always expect them to say the worse to incite controversy for the fun of it.... which is why this place is fun.

She's a real beauty, that's a shame.