The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

went to the gym and could only do 10 min on the tredmill because my right knee hurts REALLY bad. my entire right leg actually appears to be... not swollen, but it looks thicker than my left leg, esp at the knee.
Cara! I love the pose, and the expression is so cute!

Jen, I love capri's too. What color and brand is your toe nail polish! I must know! Ack, I need to re paint mine.

Laura, I can't tell if one knee is swollen from that angle. But you look great.

Neal! I love your braids! Ditto, that's damn hot.
I had my ear pierced for like 2 months one time, girlfriends idea, but I lost it.

I just think the cons out weigh the pros, it'll warp as you age, you have to go back so they can keep the colors looking good, oh, and it hurts like a bitch from what I can tell seeing my friends get theirs
c'mon kawen! plz?! just a couple of lil pigtails is all we ask for!

in other news, my shoulder/deltoid/whatever appears to be made of beef jerky.