The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but somehow I always knew, deep down, that it would.

The truth of the matter is that yes, Karen and I have considered the act you doth speak of in private facilities past.Upon engagement of such conversation, Zeus himself struck forth down from the sky and beckoned "the acts upon which you two conceive are too powerful and incomprehensible for the likes of any man to fathom. Upon completion of said deed, the entire universe shall crumble upon itself in a destructive mass of confusion and desolation! Your own party of gratification will come at the price of existence for any being, known, or unknown, senient or otherwise, from this point forward through all eternity!"

And Zeus proclaimed this creed with such furor and intention that the entire universe itself rumbled like a restless volcano as a symbol of the slumbering terror nearly awakened to wreck havoc upon all living things.

So long story short, it's you guys we're concerned about. We don't want the rest of you to perish at the cost of our selfish feelings. We're doing this for you, Tyler.

That, and we're still trying to figure out how to make money from the photographs.
Well, the mere act there was a couch and he came from behind it... the ninjas slipped me this special drink one night... and I think I appeared to random sets of male/female and instead of watching them screw, foretold damning prophecies instead. Wearing flowing white robes, a beard, and some awesome special effects.

Wait, no, no, I showed up as MOSES though. Ok, that wasn't me then. Carry on.
Hey now, don't put us above what passions may erupt from the two of you getting down and doing the nasty. Two hot people together deserve to got of on each other, common now. Derek, back me up.
Hey now, don't put us above what passions may erupt from the two of you getting down and doing the nasty. Two hot people together deserve to got of on each other, common now. Derek, back me up.

Sure, why not?

The people have spoken - get to it, you two!
at horrorfind

at the walters' art gallery

at the card store looking at halloween stuff