The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

I had a septoplasty and a bilateral conchotomy, i.e. my septum had to be corrected because it had deviated, and because it left too much room on one side, the tissue of the (larger) nostril has grown almost closed. So they had to put my septum straight, shaving off cartilage and securing it with a pin or two, and cut away a lot of tissue so I can breathe freely again. Thing is, now there's packing in my nostrils, they're stuffed completely to capacity and the packing pushes against the open flesh which hurts like Hell.
That sounds annoyingly painful. What were the symptoms you experienced that ultimately led to you getting it looked at by a doctor?

Heal that shit soon and drink a beer!
Interesting. The reason I ask is because lately I've been having serious issues with what I assume are allergies. Basically every day, one of my nostrils (it seems to switch back and forth day to day) is stuffed all day and I can only breathe through the other side. Some days it's worse than others and it is always really bad during the change of seasons. It's getting annoying and I want it to stop. I think it's allergies because it's definitely seasonal, it just seems to have gotten worse over the last two years. Moving out of my old apartment earlier this month killed me too, with all the dust flying around from moving things that had sat dormant for years. Hopefully I don't end up needing similar surgery.

Anyways, get well soon yo! Here's to proper sleepy time breathing.
I had a septoplasty and a bilateral conchotomy, i.e. my septum had to be corrected because it had deviated, and because it left too much room on one side, the tissue of the (larger) nostril has grown almost closed.
nah that story sucks, you should come up with something involving islamic terrorists trying to take over the airport.
Hefeweizen is my favorite kind of beer.
For some reason I just decided to click the first page of this thread again and read through some shit, and I must admit this post slightly embarrasses me now :lol:

This old statement is certainly not true any more, I could live the rest of my life without drinking another hefeweizen and die perfectly happy. :rock:
I had a septoplasty and a bilateral conchotomy, i.e. my septum had to be corrected because it had deviated, and because it left too much room on one side, the tissue of the (larger) nostril has grown almost closed. So they had to put my septum straight, shaving off cartilage and securing it with a pin or two, and cut away a lot of tissue so I can breathe freely again. Thing is, now there's packing in my nostrils, they're stuffed completely to capacity and the packing pushes against the open flesh which hurts like Hell.

OMG! :cry: that sounds painful! get well soon!!!
Interesting. The reason I ask is because lately I've been having serious issues with what I assume are allergies. Basically every day, one of my nostrils (it seems to switch back and forth day to day) is stuffed all day and I can only breathe through the other side.
If it's allergies, you'll have an easier time of it than I will. Normally surgery won't be required, unless the allergy is minor but comes on top of a deviated septum. If common nasal spray does the trick, I'd stay away from surgery, though of course, it never hurts to visit an otorhinolaryngologist.

Anyways, get well soon yo! Here's to proper sleepy time breathing.
Thanks man. :)

nah that story sucks, you should come up with something involving islamic terrorists trying to take over the airport.
I was attacked by a Khaddafi-loyal splinter group who stormed the airport in retribution for old scrote-face's lynching?

OMG! :cry: that sounds painful! get well soon!!!
Thank you I'm doing my best.

Packings are out of my nose, and it's a whole difference. Still in pain, but the pressure is off my face and that caused the most agony. Hurt like a mofo when they pulled them out though. Gushed blood all over the cute doctor's floor, but she was understanding

Funniest thing was, I was really in agony the last two days, and I really mean "I want to die"-agony, being completely unable to sleep from the pain. I thought it was normal to be in such pain and wondered if I wasn't being a wimp or anything, because my mother had a lighter version of my op and wasn't in much pain at all.

Turns out it was because the surgeon forgot to tick the box prescribing the heavy pain meds and let me survive on stupid little paracetamols instead. In other words, I spent the last two days, right after surgery, with only the equivalent of a little aspirin now and then to give me relief. Doctor who pulled the packings examined the papers and said, "Waitaminute, you're not on Tranadol? You've been hobbling along on paracetamols? No wonder you're dying from the pain!"
so your deviated septum ended up doing all that? fuck. i have a deviated septum and some days have trouble with one nostril/have one nostril doing most of the stuff, would that be likely to happen to me? there's no physical signs you can see from outside but inside you can see that it's deviated but it's not insanely apparent like one nostril looks blocked off or something. that sounds all around pretty terrible though.

also that really blows on the pain meds, though if he were saying they would've put you on (haha it fucking censored it, t-r-a-m-a-d-o-l) that doesn't do all that much either. more just makes you feel spacy/slightly dull as opposed to actually really killing pain and whatnot which is why it's far less regulated than the heavy shit like oxycodone, oxymorphone or hydromorphone (the last 2 of which will knock you on your ass and turn you into a warm glob of jelly and apathy, even at low doses)
so your deviated septum ended up doing all that? fuck. i have a deviated septum and some days have trouble with one nostril/have one nostril doing most of the stuff, would that be likely to happen to me? there's no physical signs you can see from outside but inside you can see that it's deviated but it's not insanely apparent like one nostril looks blocked off or something. that sounds all around pretty terrible though.

also that really blows on the pain meds, though if he were saying they would've put you on (haha it fucking censored it, t-r-a-m-a-d-o-l) that doesn't do all that much either. more just makes you feel spacy/slightly dull as opposed to actually really killing pain and whatnot which is why it's far less regulated than the heavy shit like oxycodone, oxymorphone or hydromorphone (the last 2 of which will knock you on your ass and turn you into a warm glob of jelly and apathy, even at low doses)
Yeah I know Tranadol isn't the REAL heavy-duty painkiller, but it's a lot better than stupid old paracetamols, which a friend of mine has quaintly dubbed "get-over-it in tablet form".

Right now things are getting better. My mouth is completely irritated from having to breathe through it all the time but anything is fine compared to the horribly painful pressure of those packings pressing against the open tissue of my nose, I'll tell you that. Plates come out on Tuesday, and who knows, maybe a few days later I'll be able to breathe through my nose again!
I had a septoplasty and a bilateral conchotomy, i.e. my septum had to be corrected because it had deviated, and because it left too much room on one side, the tissue of the (larger) nostril has grown almost closed. So they had to put my septum straight, shaving off cartilage and securing it with a pin or two, and cut away a lot of tissue so I can breathe freely again. Thing is, now there's packing in my nostrils, they're stuffed completely to capacity and the packing pushes against the open flesh which hurts like Hell.

I had this exact same operation a few years ago, that I posted a photo here, I think Acie has it sitting around. Mine became infected a a couple days after the operation which made them have to stuff these finger size packings even deeper into my nose. THAT was probably the most uncomfortable and painful thing I've had.