The Daily Show - USA becoming socialist Sweden!

Haha that was great. without getting too political just the idea of asking if that is what we want is such a rhetorical question, our living conditions are pretty shitty. Somehow I think our government couldn't have that kind of power without having a massive power trip and fucking shit up.
Haha that was great. without getting too political just the idea of asking if that is what we want is such a rhetorical question, our living conditions are pretty shitty. Somehow I think our government couldn't have that kind of power without having a massive power trip and fucking shit up.

exactly...i was talking about this the other day with an older guy at my work - he was bitching about how obama is pushing the US towards socialism and this and that, when i took the liberty to mention that the nations of the world with the highest standards of living are those that can be deemed the most "socialist"

HOWEVER...i also told him that though i agree, in theory, with taxing people's incomes at a higher rate in order to raise overall quality of life for the population, including shit like free healthcare and college education, our government would fail at providing the services for which they took our money, and instead would squander it on warfare and handouts to industry lobbyists and the like.

what it comes down to, pretty much, is that this country has become too large, and too dynamic in its population base to EVER get anything done effectively, and really needs to be split up for its own good.
its not even our governments impotency that's questionable. Its just the fact that they look after their interests and not the peoples, hell they have let billions and as far as I have heard trillions leak out of our system, corporations and the federal reserve doing all they can to nitpick every last dime for themselves. I find it quite suspicious that the big CEO's of these big corporations are related to members of our government, they are all big families of Americas richest people, running our country, running our corporation. Bottom line money is what is fueling our country and when it comes down to it, they aren't going to let go of their power, and when you have a democracy with that kind of power trip, turning purely socialist has bad news all over it. Let alone if that never became a problem, their incompetence at providing the service as to where the tax payers money should go (that is if the don't wastefully spend it like they have been doing for many many years) would be sure to drive our country into the ground.

I think its more of the fact that even though we tell them what to do, they have been going behind our backs passing laws and updates to former laws, amendments etc that we don't want, what would stop them if they had the absolute power to run a totalitarian dictatorship if they desired. Maybe if we changed who ran office, broke up the federal banking system and dissolved the power of the rich royalty families that have been controlling this country for so long will we then be ready for a good socialism.

It would be nice to have everyone in the country taken care of, being able to support yourself on a minimum wage job, free education and healthcare, taking the ability to own huge houses and cars from celebrities and have a good standard of living for everybody, not just a select few. There are so many benefits to humanity and modern society if we had more of a system that destroyed the glamor of living excessively large. Hell I like to have luxury and the ability to buy what I want but there is a fine line to enjoying life and being extremely selfish and our current capitalistic system is allowing and enforcing this type of behavior.
break up the US? interesting... if Texas ever seceded I'd head back there. probably the most self sufficient state in the union anyways. It has its own gas/oil supply, military bases, industry, tourism and ports for trade. hells yea i miss Texas :rock:
and the rest of the country is waiting for california to finally have the big one and float away. i'm just here for the muthafuckin ride!