The Damned Things - Friday Night (Going Down In Flames)

Call me close minded or an eletist, I just can't get past the Fall Out Boy part. At least Scott's getting the attention he craves.
I just watched this again and its hard to believe but this band actually gets worse the more you listen as opposed to better. Seriously what the fuck is going on . This is almost like a bad joke. Rob and Scott look like a bunch of idiots. This is just flat out embarrassing. I thought Bushthrax was pussy shit, but this stuff just takes the cake. This makes Bushthrax seem like Cannibal Corpse.
I guess the drummer is one of the ones from Fall Out Boy? I've never heard them or know what they're about but that drummer is pretty damn good though, I can at least appreciate that.
If only the topic of this thread was "The Damned Things Going Down In Flames" then maybe we'd be going somewhere :kickass:

Or if it actually had to do with the band In Flames