the darkness

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
please dont say that hair metal is coming back! i saw their video last while watching mtv2 at 3 in the mornin (fuckin insomnia). that was the single funniest thing ive seen and heard in a very long time. it has everything from teased hair and spandex to lasers shooting out of the guitars to fight a giant squid in the middle of space!

i cant believe this band is getting attention. but atleast im amused
BiatchGuy said:
What he probably meant to say was, "The Darkness eats huge amounts of horse cock."

It's a common typo.

He probably meant one of the best new bands in the mainstream. That would be accurate, of course that still ain't saying much....
Hopefully they'll be the much-needed replacement for the White Stripes.

And Andrew W.K.'s new album should definitely be making much more impact than it currently is...
I don't think the Darkness are all that bad. I didn't like them at first, but now they're OK. Yes I have their CD and it's a laugh to listen to, but not a definate buy or CD spinner.

The high voice I think is supposed to be comical rather than anything, but I'm probably wrong on that one.

The Darkness is very fucking much amusing!
Juuuuuuuusttt liiisteenuuUUU to the rhythm of your heeaarrtttt