The day after tomorrow

The only thing that worries me is that its made by the guys who did Independence Day and Godzilla. If its like ID then it should be good but if its like Godzilla then we are in trouble.
How would anybody be able to survive? It's not like you can hide from water, and if it sinks ships *see end of trailer*, then how is there anybody left? If it was quick and flodded the cities in just a few hours maybe flying in a plane would work but there would only be a few survivors.
Did it actually sink a ship?

It seems to me that it was a mighty fast ice age or something, the ships were floating but have been frozen 'in'.

Looks OK, probably go and see it for the hell of it.
im sorry, but it looks like total crap to me.

to me it just looked like an updated version of every irwin allen movie ever made. only decent disaster movie ever was armagedon. what was the scifi one earlier this year where they burrow to the earths core? this one doesnt look like it even has the scifi elements to make it a little different. it looks like the same old stuff with better special effects and the effects dont look that great. the wave over hollywood the hollywood miniture looks so bad that i was expecting godzilla to come step on it! sorry, but those movies are allways the same. disaster happens, heroes find out a bigger one is comeing, panic and chaos, hero dies saveing someone to give a touching effect, hero saves people, the theatre empties and someone tries to wake me up because the boreing shit put me to sleep 5 minutes into the picture!
ARRRGGGG!!! and the shit music wont turn off! after watching the trailer the ahheeyahhhaahhahahah keeps comeing back! i closed quick time i clicked the stop button, how the hell do i make this shit stop!