The DETHKLOK experience


METAL... nuff said!
Allright, saw them at Clutch Cargo's in Pontiac last night. Soilent Green and Chimera opened.

Soilent Green - Typical yogurt vocals nu-metal. Singer had decent stage banter and energy, two axemen stood still and stared at their fretboards. Bassist played THE UGLIEST BASS EVER, a Parker that looked like it was built from a stage prop from the original Star Trek shows. Nothing to write home to mom about. Move along.

Chimera - AWESOME attack to start their setlist! They had blood-red spotlights moving around wildly and huge strobes at each side that really REALLY impressed the shit outta me. Visual bombardment as well as musical. Heavy, brutal, moving around on stage as much as they could, working that crowd, and looking like the seasoned pros they are. I'm not a fan of their music, but I'm definitely a fan of their performance. I'll try to absorb their stuff and see if it grows on me out of respect for their performance last night. The four smoke machines made the moving spotlights look so monstrous and the strobes turned the clouds into columns of forboding evil! Excellent stage production for just an opening band, and as little as it took (Four scanners and two strobes and four smokers) they looked massive on stage. Well done, Chimera! You guys know how to do it right.

The Almighty KLOK - Those cartoon snippets are so damn funny. I didn't really think blending the live band with all those videos would work, but I was wrong! Totally awesome! The crowd went APESHIT BAT CRAZY. I mean CRAAAAZY. It was a capacity crowd and ALL of it went psycho. We got squashed back and forth from all sides. Usually I enjoy doing Perimeter Patrol for mosh pits and bouncing folk back into the center, but there was no center! All-encompassing ass-whupping! After the first five songs, it died down a bit and we could actually pay attention to the show instead of the flying bodies around us. Castratikron turned that crowd into one huge choreographed headbanging session! SOFA KING AWESOME! Murderface leaving to take a piss was easily the funniest of the videos. I never actually saw Gene drumming, all I could get was two cymbals moving and the edges of some toms. The guys out front were not too excitable, they were concentrating on their FLAWLESS execution of the songs. Downright perfect. Never seen a band come out and play that tight and that accurate. Not a single flub that I could notice. Mike Keneally was definitely enjoying this whole death metal vibe, and he looked hella satisfied by our reactions out in front. They were all stone-cold with their poker faces on, super serious, super concentrated. Brendon didn't do any stage banter until the end, cuz the videos WERE the stage banter. But he did say, "You guys so close to Detroit, with all your crime and your Mayor, you are the most brutal city in the whole United States!" Heh heh.

I know Dethklok is supposed to be a fictional band. But these guys were absolute professionals and perfect on stage together. Brutal, unforgiving, unfaltering, and completely entertaining.

I think this will be their last medium-sized venue tour. Next time around, they'll be in the 3000-seat concert auditoriums. They're just too good and have too many people coming to their shows to ignore their potential.
Dethklok has very disciplined musicians. Gene is obviously known for being very strong in technique. Mike Keneally well... when you play with Zappa you just expect perfection from yourself, and Bryan Beller is awesome (plays with the Mike Keneally's band). Mike is one of my favorite guitarists. I'll be seeing them in a couple weeks.

And from what Mike has said, he's definitely enjoying this.
I know Dethklok is supposed to be a fictional band. But these guys were absolute professionals and perfect on stage together. Brutal, unforgiving, unfaltering, and completely entertaining.

I think this will be their last medium-sized venue tour. Next time around, they'll be in the 3000-seat concert auditoriums. They're just too good and have too many people coming to their shows to ignore their potential.

Cool, thanks for the review!

They're already playing the Tabernacle here, which is around a 2,600-seater. Many eyes are watching to see how well that show does here......

Anyway, I should be there, although that's going to be a busy week. (My friends in Bella Morte -- they're like family, really -- are playing a show here the following night. :headbang: )
Clutch Cargo's was TOO full. Reminded me of Queensryche at the Emerald Theater in Mt. Clemens, and that was too full, but didn't have nearly the same amount of lunatics moshing around, NOR THE SKANKY FUNK OF 1000 METALHEADS' SWEATY SWAMP ASSES!!! Woooow did that place stink near the end of the show.... Smells like METAAAAAL!!!
I'm surprised you described parts of Soilent Green as "nu-metal" while still being impressed with Chimera. Soilent Green is just sludgy doom, far from Nu Metal IMO. They're not a band I enjoy, just nitpicking.

Ben Falgoust (Soilent Green) is an incredible frontman. he's also in Goatwhore. I really hate chimera.
Yeah Solient Green is not nu-metal. And Goatwhore owns.

Chaimaira was boring live the first time I saw em and very energetic the 2nd time but I'm still not a fan

I wanna see Dethklok someday but I'm gonna skip em this time around
hardcore/deathcore/grindcore/deathgrind... once we pigeon hole it then maybe we can talk about the quality of the music =p
Leela: This all must have something to do with the secret ingredient.

Fry: My God. What if the secret ingredient ... is people?

Leela: No. There's already a soda like that: Soylent Cola.

Fry: Oh. How is it?

Leela: It varies from person to person.
Soylent Green is PEOPLE!

(Sorry, someone had to say it!)


Beat me to it! :kickass:

Leela: This all must have something to do with the secret ingredient.

Fry: My God. What if the secret ingredient ... is people?

Leela: No. There's already a soda like that: Soylent Cola.

Fry: Oh. How is it?

Leela: It varies from person to person.

Bwahahahahha! Futurama FTW.
Well... since I can't really stand ANY band with the yogurt gargling vocals, I'm gonna pigeonhole them all by default. But, just like when we say In Flames during the Clayman tour, I enjoy being suprised by bands who actually entertain me and bring something to the table.

Soilent Green didn't, and Chimera did.

Don't get me wrong, here! Both bands were unintelligible, and both bands had guitar tone that sounded like they put the speaker in the bottom of a bucket and then recorded it with the shittiest garage sale karaoke machine microphone they could find.

But Soilent Green was as engaging as toilet paper, with their two axemen staring at the floor or at their fretboards, and maaaybe wobbling back and forth to keep time. Whereas Chimera, EVERYONE on the stage was full of energy, bashing their heads away, egging the crowd on, working the front row fans, and being physically and visually entertaining.

So if I'ma judge a band with horrible vocals anyway, I'm gonna pay attention to their showmanship. Cuz being famous in rock n roll these days, is 50% showmanship, 40% songwriting, and 10% actual musicianship and talent.

Oh and Chimera's riffs were far more brutal.
I'm surprised you described parts of Soilent Green as "nu-metal" while still being impressed with Chimera. Soilent Green is just sludgy doom, far from Nu Metal IMO. They're not a band I enjoy, just nitpicking.

Ben Falgoust (Soilent Green) is an incredible frontman. he's also in Goatwhore. I really hate chimera.

I agree about Soilent Green not even touching nu-metal. They are a sludgy band with more of an extreme tinge to the vocals. Sludge does have its similarities with hardcore, but I still enjoy Soilent Green quite a bit.

I can't imagine ever liking Chimaira except marginally...they always struck me as a not-quite-as-good Machine Head...
I agree about Soilent Green not even touching nu-metal. They are a sludgy band with more of an extreme tinge to the vocals. Sludge does have its similarities with hardcore, but I still enjoy Soilent Green quite a bit.

I can't imagine ever liking Chimaira except marginally...they always struck me as a not-quite-as-good Machine Head...

Soilent Green is definitely awesome.

BTW my "Soilent Green is hardcore" comment was a reference to another thread on this board where someone insisted that they were a hardcore band. I don't think they're hardcore myself.