The Downward Spiral


rock n troll
Nov 27, 2005
Near Montreal City
Life can be rough for some people. Even for a pretty girl in New York City. In fact, life's roughness can sometimes be documented visually through the mugshots in your criminal arrest record.

ok :lol:

Methamphetamine is used for one or more of the following effects:

* Increased alertness, motivation, and brain activity (short-term)
* Euphoria in high doses
* Weight loss (may also be an adverse effect, depending upon circumstances)
* Heightened sexual stimulation

Is'nt it great :lol:?
Well fuck
I wrote out a long awesome story and then I had to close the window suddenly :(

Jist of it, some old lady was robbing us at music world, when we caught her and took her to security, they came back saying they couldn't hold her long because she was actually 17, when she looked like 45-50