The Downward Spiral

The show is not finish :D


The drug causes so much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth that the phrase meth mouth has entered the public discourse. The heated substance, when fully aspirated, swirls through the users' teeth and gums, inevitably leading to sores which never heal. Tooth enamel wears away quickly as entire rows of teeth dissolve to the gumline. It collects in the nasal passages which drain in the back of the throat, effectively corroding your entire face
Thank fucking christ I cant see the pictures here. BLocked harhar!

And Meth is terrible, its really easy to addicted to and its REEAALLY cheap, which is why alot of people use it.

Another story, I knew this one kid who is now almost world famous for bullshitting, who claimed to have had a meth addiction.

His story goes, he was at a party, and someone gave him some pot. Then he had a wierd reaction to it and blacked out. He then asked the guy what it was and he was told it was laced with Meth. Then my friend ended up getting into meth for about 6 months in secret. He then ended up going to hospital on a suicide atempt when he sliced his own leg open with a knife.

the funny thing is the guy never had meth in his life, you can tell because 6 months makes a notable difference. Also a freind of mine has known him his entire life and he got the scar when he was little and fell or some shit.

Someonewhat on Topic, mostly not, but now no one likes this fool and everyone makes fun of him and he turned Closet Emo (Acts it but doesnt look it, and denies all emoness)
Nikotiini said:
I doubt he would have blacked out from meth... you can make that shit from the hardware store.... and lots of caffeine pills....
I find the story funny, but its about 100% chance of it being lie because the guy is a massive poser.

Moh Well
my ex starting doing meth,i told her to stop that shit its dangerous stuff,she replied"don't worry its just like coffee"
what a stupid bitch:lol: