The Dreamreader cover !


Jul 8, 2006
Hello everyone,

I just finished a home recorded cover of The Dreamreader from Nightingale that i would like to share with you. I hope you guys like it !

here is the link :

alternative link --> - The Dreamreader (Nightingale cover).mp3

from the technical point, i used :

Epiphone Les Paul Custom tuned in Db standart with 0,10 strings
Pod XT Live for the amp simulation
keFIR vst for the impulse to simulate cabs
MXL v67i condenser mic
Presonus Audiobox USB soundcard
ESI nEar06 monitors

Cubase SX3
Broomstick Bass vst Fender Jazz Bass samples
EZ Drummer vst
lots of vst compressor and EQ plugins

my mastering chain :

Multiband Compressor
Multiband Harmonic Exciter
Multiband Stereo Imager

...waiting for your feedbacks :)
oh yes!
its very good cover-almost Dan's vocal style but Dan's voice a bit deeper i guess

Turkingale rules!
Turkingale ! :lol::lol:

thanks for commenting. i'm so pleased to be considered with Dan's vocals ! i really do :)
unfortunately i have no vocal booth or something like that, i'm recording the vocals in a small room, so they are kinda roomy since all the walls are reflecting which i cannot cope with atm... :cry:
Sounds pretty cool, it must have taken a lot of time and effort to make that sound that good:).

Your vocals are quite similar to Dan's but Dan has a little bit darker vocals I think. Nothing beats Dan's vocals but your vocals sound great:).

Is there coming any other NG/Dan Swanö covers from you? It would be interesting to listen them too. How about Black Tears? :lol:
Yeah! Amazingly good! :headbang: Dreamreader is one of my NG favourites. And... why not, if you want to do other covers as well, I'm sure we'd like to hear them, at least I'd like :) Keep up the good work!
Sounds great! :)
thank you very much Deadlift :)

Sounds pretty cool, it must have taken a lot of time and effort to make that sound that good:).

Your vocals are quite similar to Dan's but Dan has a little bit darker vocals I think. Nothing beats Dan's vocals but your vocals sound great:).

Is there coming any other NG/Dan Swanö covers from you? It would be interesting to listen them too. How about Black Tears? :lol:

hi kheldar,
thanks for your nice comment ! it took about 4-5 days to put everything together, and Dan was so kind telling me how he dubs the chorus parts, that helped me a lot.
I am listening to Nightingale since the first album "The Breathing Shadow". Back in those days, when i listened to "Gypsy Eyes" for the first time, i was really fascinated by Dan's vocals, and i always tried to mimic his vocal style since it was something new and brilliant for someone like me.
I also recorded "Uncreation" which is also cool, and i added some clean vocal parts which are not present on the original one :) but i need some time to put everything together before posting here, i don't want to ruin the original gems. I need to be sure that everything is perfect :)
thanks again :)
Great job indeed and nice accent :D

I just wish you had picked another song from The Breathing Shadow cuz this one was re-recorded for the Nightfall Overture compilation and your cover is too similar to that version.
hello friends, i'm very pleased with your very encouraging comments :D

the main reason behind the cover; i was intending to mimic the song, say an exact copy. i'm trying to improve my mixing and mastering skills and i wanted to see if i can have the exact sound of the song.

but making a cover from the early produced album "The Breathing Shadow" could be a nice idea too if Dan lets me playing around with his songs :)

cheers everyone :D

Cool!! Always good for the ego when people cover my stuff!!!! I think I will revisit some of the TBS stuff again. There are a few undeveloped ideas on that one or songs that didn´t turn out anywhere near what I had in mind....but when u have a week to write record and kind of go with the flow ;)