THE DUSKFALL - "The Dying Wonders Of The World", anyone digging it ?


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Anyone liking this album ?

Firstly, it's not very original (I should say not at all) : kind of typical melodeath metal from Sweden... But it's damn efficient, this albums rocks !

I love the production too, Daniel Bergstrand did it (drum and vocal recording, and the mix). Very roomy but punchy drums, unique agressive & crunchy guitars (they used Engl Savage), distorded bass, old school vocals. I really dig the whole production and the simplicity of this album. Really raw and heavy, it really has some mojo from Sweden lol
Too bad the band quits, they just gig here and there but they won't record a new album.

For those interested you can hear some audio samples from this album :
The Duskfall website (click on "albums/mp3")
The Duskfall myspace
[ame=""]The Duskfall recording videos[/ame]
I dig this band... not many people know em, but, they're fucking badass... despite, yes, being pretty straightforward
I finally checked this disc out, and I like it a lot. The drums sound great on it, especially love the sound of his cymbals, very full sounding and I love the range they are in, not too low but not high either, I hate cymbals(especially crashes) with high frequencies to them.