The Eagle has landed genuine enquiry

smashed as a rat

New Metal Member
Aug 8, 2006
someone here must be able to help. This is a genuine quest for a genuine question i have had since The Eagle has landed LP first appeared in 1981 and i bought it as a young anklebiter. I have yet to get an answer - this is my first visit to the Saxon site so i've no idea if this has been previously asked.

This seems weird but true. On my vinyl copy, as side 2 finishes and the cheering after ' machine gun' fades out, just as the stylus goes into the runoff grooves, i have a small bit of audio , maybe only 5 seconds long where it sounds like the crowd are going ' you lot are shit ' and Biff Byford goes ' ahh shut up '.

It's hard to make out for sure what the crowd are saying 100% but it does sound like i've described. Biff definately says what he says.

My turntable arm doesn't life up instantly so i get to hear this bit but others have lifted quite quickly so it gets missed.

any ideas anyone? I've always wondered whats being said and whats this all about ' cause i seriously doubt Saxon were being called shit by their crowd.

info into this gratefully received
Yeah, I had that one on cassette and I remember that thing at the end. As I recall it goes silent for a short while and then the crowd is back chanting "Saxon" and Biff says "ah shut up". Just an added joke is what I've always taken it for...
Thx 'smashed as a rat '
Yes I have that same thing on my vinyl copie. Biff Byford says ' ahh shut up '. And before that, the audience chants something, I cannot figure out... A big mystery after all hese years, who was in the crowd at that time, maybe such a person can help with this matter? Maybe a good one for the new competition? I do miss the competitions on Saxon's message board.Where is the competition gone..?? Nice entry smashed as a rat", Maybe native english speakers can give us not native-english speakers a hand on this?

I have the same sort of thing with the AC/DC album Highway to hell, at the and of the song, Nightprowler, at the end of the album, Bon Scot says something:'...nanunanu"or whatever, does somebody have that on his AC/DC copy?? don't know what he is saying, but it sounds funny!
Bon is repeating the phrase mork says from 'Mork & Mindy' the TV show(Mork was Robin williams) which was big at the time, he sya 'Shazbot,Nanu Nanu, which is somethin Mork used to say, It should be on all copies!
heavycelli said:
Thx 'smashed as a rat '
Yes I have that same thing on my vinyl copie. Biff Byford says ' ahh shut up '. And before that, the audience chants something, I cannot figure out... A big mystery after all hese years, who was in the crowd at that time, maybe such a person can help with this matter? Maybe a good one for the new competition? I do miss the competitions on Saxon's message board.Where is the competition gone..?? Nice entry smashed as a rat", Maybe native english speakers can give us not native-english speakers a hand on this?

I have the same sort of thing with the AC/DC album Highway to hell, at the and of the song, Nightprowler, at the end of the album, Bon Scot says something:'...nanunanu"or whatever, does somebody have that on his AC/DC copy?? don't know what he is saying, but it sounds funny!

Hey Wilks and Heavycelli, i'm well pleased you know what i'm on about here and have indeed wondered what is being said. It's one of those small things that have bugged me since hearing it.

I thought it might have been some sort of miss pressing and its part of audience participation during , say, wheels of steel, but obvioulsy not.
Cheers for contributing anyway as i was beginning to think no-one knew what the hell i was on about

I'd love the band to advise here cause we need and answer :)
I only have The Eagle Has Landed on CD now, but I do recall hearing on vinyl (all those years ago) what I interpreted to be the crowd chanting, "We don't give a shit!", and Biff retorting, "Ahh, shaddap!"
747 Stranger said:
I only have The Eagle Has Landed on CD now, but I do recall hearing on vinyl (all those years ago) what I interpreted to be the crowd chanting, "We don't give a shit!", and Biff retorting, "Ahh, shaddap!"

this is gathering momentum....:)

anyone on here have any connection to the band or any way of communicating rather than sending an email to some unknown address?
smashed as a rat said:
this is gathering momentum....:)

anyone on here have any connection to the band or any way of communicating rather than sending an email to some unknown address?

Nigel Glockler advises the following:

"In answer to what the audience are saying at the end, it is 'We don't give a shit' - Biff used to get them chanting it - so we bunged one on the end!"


What about at the end of the Wheels of Steel LP, isn't there something there too? Somebody with a stupid voice, and just one phrase or word, but for the life of me I can't work it out.
Mad Dan McCafferty said:
Bon is repeating the phrase mork says from 'Mork & Mindy' the TV show(Mork was Robin williams) which was big at the time, he sya 'Shazbot,Nanu Nanu, which is somethin Mork used to say, It should be on all copies!

Thx Mad Dan, you aint that mad at all:goggly: the second question solved. Much Thx!:rock:
Meant to say in case no one knows Mork was an alien so that was his language which basically meant Bollocks and Goodbye or words to that effect, which is kind of strange in a way as it was Bons Final recording!!!!