The Ender


New Metal Member
Jul 3, 2008
Hi fellas,

I'm just here to get the word out on my band The Ender and see if anyone cares to check it out. We're not exactly "metal" as it seems to mean in today's vernacular but hopefully that isn't the sole criterion for a band being considered good. What I mean to sy is we tend to let our fondness for genres other than metal permeate our writing.

But I'm sure listening will illustrate what I mean better than aimlessly trying to describe it, so without further ado, I'll link you to our page:

*we recorded the demo ourselves in my basement, so the tracks aren't the most professional-sounding, but I hope it'll be an adequate representation of our sound.

Anyway, check it out and maybe you'll like it! If not, I respect that and any criticism (the constructive kind) would be greatly appreciated!

Let the rocking begin! (I hope!)