The ending of "Gygralock"?


Dichter (und) Denker
Jul 18, 2004
Düsseldorf, Germany
I have been wondering for years now, but what is this strange sung at the end of Otyg's "Gygralock"? It is so fucking hilarous in a way... :tickled:
It's 'kulning', a kind of singing you use to call for cattle. In the booklet it says it's sung by Py Kollberg and Anna-Karin Hellman from Tviller , but I'm sure it's the gygror calling enticingly for men. ;)

But hilarous? I think it's beautiful. :)
This is this "kulning"? I know it from one singer called Lena Willemark and that sounds quite different...
It really sounds like some call but not like music. don't really like it :/ ;)