I Trollskogens Drömmande Mörker v. 3.0


Nov 7, 2002
Malmo, Sweden
Yes, it is finally online!
The old adress (www.itrollskogens.tk) is still working, but there is one annyoing pop-up though. If you're smart, you bookmark http://wixx.org/~hebbe/Trollskogen/index.htm which is completly commercial-free...
As soon as I get my hands on the Otyg-video, it will be there for download.
Oh, and I forgot one thing: I have talked to Cia and she has agreed to send me the lyrics to one (ore more) of Otyg's demos. Don't know which one it is... But stay tuned!!!

Let me know what you think about the site, it's always nice to see a few notes in the guestbook!
spaffe said:
Ah, looks pretty cool, though that main picture of mr V looks somewhat out of place with the rest of the design

Hmm... haven't thought about that, but now that you mention it. To my defense, I have to say that I made that pic long before I decided what the rest of the site would look like... :loco:
As I said in another one of my posts you are doing an awesome job dude, I'm sure we all really appreciate your site. The mere fact that you get to talk to everyone involved in like Otyg and shit is awesome I would love to be able to communicate with them.
Draugen said:
Hmm... haven't thought about that, but now that you mention it. To my defense, I have to say that I made that pic long before I decided what the rest of the site would look like... :loco:

Hehe ok, well that sucks, but perhaps you could add some border to it to lessen the abrupt switch between the black and brown?
Draugen said:
Oh, and I forgot one thing: I have talked to Cia and she has agreed to send me the lyrics to one (ore more) of Otyg's demos. Don't know which one it is... But stay tuned!!!
YES!!!!!!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
Damn that gets me all excited!

Secondly, DAMN good job there Hebbe! The site looks better than ever.
Hats off to you for putting down so much work on it (for us :) ). :worship:

Where i can download these "only available on mp3" songs, like Cosmic Genesis (Space Jazz Version) etc.?
Väinämöisen Viikate said:

Where i can download these "only available on mp3" songs, like Cosmic Genesis (Space Jazz Version) etc.?

Try the Vintersorg Official Homepage (www.vintersorg.com) :D
No, but seriously, they used to be there. Since it has been offline for ages now, perhaps I should host these too? Oh, well... here goes *lalalala*

There, all done and now they can be found at the, what's the name again? Ah, the trollskog-page...
Now I have to be excused, some beer-drinking awaits me.
Bon said:
Why Trollskog don't became the official Vinty website?
Eheh..there are more things on your website than in the official one!

Hmm... probably because there WILL be more things on www.vintersorg.com when (if it ever) goes online?
Besides, there's nothing wrong in having 2 pages of the same band. Besides, I'm not interested in making any money out of Vintersorg, I just want everything to be available for everyone. For instance, it's a shame that the fellas in that big, bad, evil country (USA) are having trouble finding V-related stuff. Oh well...
Haha you think America is hard to get stuff from, try New Zealand dude :) I've been waiting for Cosmic Genesis to come in for two months.
Draugen - nice job on the site (frames are annoying though! Just a personal thing, doesnt detract from the site).

I read through your opinions on the albums, and was amazed to find that you thought Visions From The Spiral Generator: "... is the weakest Vintersorg release up to date, although not being bad at all".

(Just as a point of discussion, nothing personal of course) I have to say I disagree.

The addition of a session bassist and drummer, coupled with more expansive and explorational songwriting by Mr V has yielded what I think is one of the best Vintersorg works he has produced.

The song structures have beautiful complexities, without going over the top.
While I am not Swedish, I do love the fact he sings in his mother tongue, it's beautiful to hear, but the mix of English and Swedish is a positive move. I really hope the next album uses some Swedish again (if I remember correctly, the Focusing Blur used no Swedish at all?).

Vintersorg's vocal work on Visions From The Spiral Generator, notedly the cleaner vocals are outstanding. Take some of the passages in "Spegelsfären" and "The Explorer" - these are just so beautifully sung, it almost brings a tear to the eye.

The production on the album is nothing new, but it's an "authentic" representation of what the band line up is capabable of.

While Visions From The Spiral Generator is a move from his earlier works, I think it's actually a good blend of his older material fused with a newer, and more expansive direction.

In my opinion, a REALLY good, solid album which displays excellent musicianship by not only Vintersorg himself, but all members in the recording.

//end rant hehee
Congrats to this wonderful website! :wave:
Just downloaded that "Norrskensdrömmar" 'Album'. Didn't know that this one existed, seems to be quite interesting! :)

But your title does not fit anymore. Your website is very bright and not some kind of a "Mörker" ;)
But that does not matter in any way :p

What I would like to see is a section for Guitar Tabs and Chords. But they are hard to get on the web...