Trollskogen - version 4!


Nov 7, 2002
Malmo, Sweden
Yeah, I don't really know why I did it and I don't really know if anyone cares, but here it is anyway - I Trollskogens Drömmande Mörker v. 4.
I recieved an e-mail a couple of weeks ago from some guy (hey, at least one cares!) who wanted to know if I had any plans to re-launch Trollskogen and I said no.
But since I didn't have any special plans this summer, I decided to give it a go anyway. I had a really old version laying around on my harddrive and then I just took it from there basicly.
So here it is now - spread the word if you care - and enjoy! :)

PS. I don't know if I'll work on a proper adress, but for now, the adress will have to do...
Everyone here cares Henrik! I doubt there's one person on this forum that didn't go to the site.
am i wrong or this trollskogen is only otyg-based for now?

cool that you have the texts written by andreas himself!
Vielen dank, Henrik! I'm sure everyone here wanted to see the page working once again ^^.

As Lefay pointed out, I see just Otyg material; will you upload your previous Vintersorg translations?

Andreas's handwriting is surprisingly similar to mine, when I write in a rush.
Hmm, I might put up some Vintersorg stuff as well

I hope so! I lost some stuff I got from mr. V. You remember I once sended you a soundtrack sounding song? I don't have it anymore. I hope you still have it!

But anyway, good work, thanks man! I'm glad it is online again!

Didn't know Vintersorg did the painting for Galdersång Till Bergfadern by himself! Cool :)
hmmm where did I see Alvefard and Sagovindars Boning translations before? :confused:

Hehe, I did steal some of the translations for Trollskogen, but I already had a lot translated myself. Only problem is that amf's translations (assuming he did the Swedish ones) are way better than mine.
So I did steal some - hope you don't mind - but I still did a lot myself ;)