The Evil Has Landed?

Sole Reaper

Jan 5, 2006
I saw a post on the Exodus forum that said the working title of the new Testament album is The Evil Has Landed. Personally I hope they come up with a different title than that, sounds cheesy. Regardless of whatever the title is, I just want the record to come out.
I'll believe it when the band makes an official announcement. I remember before naming the 8th studio album "The Gathering", there was talks about naming it "Apocalypse" and that never materialized into anything.

As for "The Evil Has Landed", that just doesn't sound like Testament at all but I have full faith in the band that they'll come out with an album title that makes perfect sense for the songs that are currently being recorded. All I have to say is I heard Testament play a new song at the Poughkeepsie show and it was really tight. So the album title really doesn't mean much at all. Low was an amazing album and that album title wasn't anything special but it suited the songs perfectly on that record.
I think it'll be changed. Working titles may come from band jokes or whatever. Once they'll have finished writing the lyrics, they'll come up with the proper name. "The evil has landed" sounds awful, but it's the music that's important not the title whether it's called "the evil ..", "the great revenge" or "regathered"
I agree that " The Evil Has Landed " is a lame title, but just cause it was on fuckin' Exodus' message board dosen't mean shit. I hope the new album is full of killer complex riffs and solos. I'm really looking forward to hearing Alex shred it up on a new Testament album. Every aspect of an album is important. Be it the title, cover artwork, etc. I think the band'll come up with a better title than that.