italian DVD missing booklet: is this the official version?


the psychedelic servant
Jan 20, 2002
well, as i said in the title. the DVD has landed in italy [at least in milan] and people say that it's got no booklet with travis smith illustrations, credits & co.

so i would like to know if it's a sort of beta release, or the official one

Yeah in the store i work in, its there without the booklet as well ... the booklet 1 week later the dvd release? what the fuck? the same time with the dvd, it's as if you get the pancake first and then after you've eaten it you get the jam in your face.
my dying groom said:
Haha yeah, it seems life is full of jizzy discoveries.
so did you eventually found it somewhere in a shop?

i were at Saturn again yesterday and well hehe they said it was postponed till 31st January