The Faceless


Jan 8, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Even though their sound is reaaaaally saturated....I really dig their musical ideas and their talent. Going to see them with Meshuggah and Cynic !

Anyways, I know this could be in the ``Deathcore`` thread made by Psychroxptic but....I wanted to have your opinions on THAT BAND in particular !

So what do you think about them ? Constructive criticism please.
Didn't know them, I really like what i hear.

i hate them, they're just another gay fad band


we have recorded, you should listen, i don't think you'll be disappointed^''

Blablabla.. I would be disappointed if i expected anything better:)
Even though their sound is reaaaaally saturated....I really dig their musical ideas and their talent. Going to see them with Meshuggah and Cynic !

Anyways, I know this could be in the ``Deathcore`` thread made by Psychroxptic but....I wanted to have your opinions on THAT BAND in particular !

So what do you think about them ? Constructive criticism please.

Yeah of course for those of you who prefer ``old-school`` metal won't be digging that kind of music.

Song-wise, I kinda laughed when ``The ancien Kovenant`` started lol with that bass lick hahaha