The Faceless

They weren't that bad on the Summer Slaughter tour. However, I have to say, the only really impressive member of the band was the drummer. He was technical yet speedy and had amazing energy. Throughout the set he was going crazy and making up for what the other members lacked.

The keyboardist was terrible and a waste of baggage on the tour bus. He played probably three different notes in the entire set. The vocalist pissed me off. The guitars were okay. The bass was mediocre. The drumming outshone all of the other elements of the band.... best of luck to that guy and I hope he gets the hell out of that band.
This band sucks and they all have faces, so they're liars. I saw them live and was hoping they'd all had their faces melted off before they came on stage.
Yeah.... I mean, there are some really shitty names out there for bands, and this, no doubt, falls into that category.
So much faceless hate! I know they aren't really inventing anything new, but the are great musicians and their music isn't that bad. I saw them live and they played tighter than necrophagist, and in that kind of music, that is a feat. I'm not a huge fan of between the buried and me, but I saw them live and the destroyed as well. They nailed every solo, ever cymbal hit, every thing. The only reason I mention them as well is b/c they have that whole core element in there stuff as well. Who cares if a bunch of sceney's like a band, that doesn't mean the band sucks. I know alot of you are put off by the the sceney trend whores and their lame 'dancing' but don't let that frustration blur your judgment or rather, dictate it.