The Faceless - Akeldama


Aug 31, 2006

A friend gave me a copy of their CD, it is amazing...great songwriting, great productions, great riffs.....the coolest part is that the band produced, mixed, and mastered the whole thing. The three songs on their myspace are the first three songs on the album.
I know/knew the dudes. The main guitarist is Mike Keene who is total arrogant asshole. The original drummer on that cd was Brent Bratdorf, who in my opinion is better than their current drummer. Mike Sherer is the keyboard player, and is treated like shit, while he remains the coolest dude in the band. Personally I think the second guitarist is more amazing than Mike (having heard them jam a few times) and he's only 18!
I like The Faceless a lot, I've always thought it was kind of a cross between Necrophagist (which is a pretty big achievement) and something more hardcore-ish. Really cool songs. As already mentioned, the production is good, and quite appropriate sounding for the band...but for me it's another one of those situations where I can hear it from a listener's perspective and say "Yeah, I like the production", but if it were me mixing something, I don't think I would be as happy. It's weird how being the listener or the engineer can make such a big difference.
Yeaaah, The Faceless kick ass... I allready integrated "An Autopsy" in my Guitar Hero 2... nice one to suck on.
I didn´t knew that they produced it themselves, that makes me feel even smaller (as I´m playing guitar and producing our stuff myself, too)... especially concerning this number "18....." (atriculation: eiiiiighteeeeeeeen, whoa, dude...)!

their production sounds very good.

I have to give them credit. nice songs + great production.

any one have any info on what it was used in this record?
@VH100R: Keene's studio in the top friends list.

Picture from the profile, dunno if they used these
yeah, they used Line6 heads live when I saw them last month

That´s a surprise for me, the last time I saw Line 6 amps on stage was at a show of the danish Illdisposed... and that sound sucked big time, sounded like some bad transistor being killed be another bad transistor or something like that. Do you remember which Line 6 Amps and boxes they used?