The Family Ruin - Let It Burn MIX (and possibly stems)


Mar 3, 2015
So a few days ago I sat down and tabbed everything and recorded this shit; let me just tell you right away - it was a pain in the ass to get it right. Anyways, adding a youtube link to the original as most of you probably havent heard the song or band before. It's a great new band, and in my opinion this is their best song. So... Without further ado :headbang:


My mix:

Let me know what you think :)

Edit: Soundcloud squashed the shit out of it when it converted it to 128kbps. Any tips?
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The guitars and bass sound pretty good, but the drums let the whole mix down. Try removing a bit of click to the kick and adding a sample with a bit of a longer decay... this and a snare with more attack (at the moment we can pretty much only here its sustain, but there's no punch to it) will make the drums stand out in the mix much better and the whole of it will be more balanced. Keep it up!
the guitar sound is pretty cool. drums are a tad too two-dimensional and very thin.

The Cymbals are too washy for my taste. What samples did you use? Maybe they're too compressed. As said above try a different kick sample or at least a second one with more lowend.

And post the stems - would love to give it a try :)
Pretty nice mix in general.

The drums sound noisy to me: room on the snare and toms, kick reverb. Also I'd suggest cutting the low mids of the hat more. Snare is also too smashed (hissing, but there's not so much attack on it).
Try cutting some sub-lows off the bass to make it less boomy.

The stems would be cool. An the song requires some vocals. :)
Hey guys, and thanks for the feedback! The entire drumkit is ssd4, including cymbals. I highpassed the kick at around 65 hz so that might be a reason you feel it's thin, I'll try lowering the HP to around 55 to fill out the kick, and also try removing some of the click. About the snare, do you guys have any techniques to get it more attacky? or is the solution to just change the sample? (pretty new to mixing) I was aiming for a quite deep snare, something like the original one.

PS: Soundcloud utterly raped the mix when I uploaded it there, smashed cymbals and clarity in drums in general.. I think I'll try dropping the master to -1db and upload a new version and see if it manages to convert it to 128kbps without smashing it :p (it is pretty much mastered to 0, so that might be a problem when the quality of the file is reduced to 128, dunno..)

I'll see if I can export the stems this weekend :)