The first metal albums...?


Prototype of Simplicity
Just being curious...

What were the first albums that got you listening to metal?

I was introduced to these classics (?) by my older brother somewhere in 1985:

Kiss - Creatures of the Night
Twisted Sister - Stay Hungry
All these albums still rock! :headbang:

A bit later there were bands like Iron Maiden, Dio, Judas Priest and so on.
Hmm..the first albums. I started listening to bands like Queen, Europe, Bonjovi, Return, AC/DC and Guns Roses pretty early.
I wouldn't call any of these bands metal though..maybe more hardrock.

The albums that got me listening to metal:
Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast
Rainbow - Some Best of Collection :) ..not really metal though..
Metallica - And justice for all
Return - Attitude

Quiet Riot - Cum on feel the noize :headbang:
VERY good thread idea!!!!!!!

The first albums that got me into metal were introduced to me by a good friend of mine in 1987, though some of the albums were older than that. Later, my uncle introduced me to bands like Loudness and so on.

The first albums that got me not only into Metal but wanting to play an instrument were:

AC/DC- Who Made Who
Stryper-To Hell With The Devil
Iron Maiden-Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
Twisted Sister-Stay Hungry & Come Out And Play
Metallica-Am I Evil & Blitzkrieg Large Vinyl Single which also had Creeping Death as the flipside.
Rainbow-Straight Between The Eyes
Metal Church-The Dark

I still listen to all of 'em, and I now have every AC/DC album you can get in the States.
But anyhow, there they are, my humble beginnings into Metal.:headbang:
For me it was the following items

Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast
Motorhead - Overkill
Judas Priest - Screaming for Vengeance

There were too kids in my class at school at the time (Graham Whate and Mike Hodges...hey guys!) and we all kinda got into this stuff at the same time.
Man, the amount of times I've told this story now.... :D

There were a few albums that played varying significance in getting me into Metal. Once upon a time I had a friend who was really into Iron Maiden, and eventually our young minds (me and a few mates) were piqued into checking out the Maiden LPs that one of their dad's had. So the first Metal albums that I sat down and listened to were:

Iron Maiden: Iron Maiden and Piece Of Mind

Back then I was major into Eric Clapton and AOR/old pop shit and so wasn't very impressed. A few months later though he gave me a tape which I gratefully accepted that this mate thought was Maiden. Turned out it was the A-side of:

Slayer - Seasons In The Abyss

It took about two or three months for me to actually learn this :loco: but it made me think that this stuff was awesome! So, that's an important album there :cool: soon after I was in a HMV sale and saw a certain Maiden album in there, and thought "let's check out this band my mate's always on about", and bought:

Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast

And life was never the same again. A month later I found out it was Slayer on that tape ;) Man, fucking memories.....
I guess when I was reeeealy young the Dire Straits album "Brothers in Arms" gave me a taste for rock as I listened to it about 200 times.. then in 89 I got "seventh son of a seventh son" and my life was changed forever :)

And it's still my fave album!!!

Then got into Guns 'n' Roses, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard but Maiden were always my fave.

Of course when I heard Helloween many years later I nearly fell off my chair lol! But thats another story..
:D I heard Def Leppard through some friends of my older brothers, when I was 10yo. Around the age of 12 I was listening to Bon Jovi, Ratt, Guns n Roses, and Cinderella. Then, I started listening to Alice Cooper, Ozzy, Black Sabbath, AC/DC and Iron Maiden. I think where I heard these bands was Mtv. I think the 80's was a great time to live. Ok, well on with the story. And It happened.. I met this guy at my little nephews birthday party and he told me about Metallica. So, I bought "Master Of Puppets" and "Peace Sells" (heard about Megadeth on MTV when they had headbangers ball) around the age of 13-14 and I was hooked. I got into Metallica, Megadeth, Overkill, Testament, Warlock, and Manowar. My taste did get a little more extreme.. At 15 I was listening to Death Angel, Death, Possessed, Sepultura, and Kreator. After alternitive crap came out.....From the age of 20 I got lost for awhile....I was still listening to the old groups I mentioned that stayed true to their sound.... Then at the age of 26yo a wonderful thing happened I saw "Bright Eyes" By Blind Guardian a video a metalhead penpal sent me And I WAS SAVED. There was true metal out there, I wasn't alone. Thank GOD. Then a new metal friend played Iced Earth's Dark Saga for me and I fall in love with the music not the guy :). The first bands that I found was Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, Hammerfall, Nightwish, & Stratovarius. My taste has changed in music over a the years...... Overall Power Metal Is My Favorite. :headbang: :headbang:

First metal albums:Well I guess it depends on what you think metal is. I would say my first metal albums were:

Metallica - Master Of Puppets
Megadeth - Peace Sells
Overkill - Taking Over
Testament - Practice What You Preach
As a very young person I had to listen to early 80s stuff such as Motorhead, Gillan, Maiden, Rainbow, Priest and Ozzy because that was what my older sister was into at the time. In the mid 80s I began to develop a taste and I think the first album I actually bought was Maiden's Live After Death. Basically I liked anything that was melodic and hard hitting (nothing's changed), Dio, W.A.S.P, Saxon, Accept were among my faves and I also liked the more Commercial stuff that was happening at the time such as Europe, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Scorpions, Heart, Marillion and Whitesnake. I also liked a lot of the leather clad female stuff that was popular at the time such as Lee Aaron, Lita Ford, Warlock and later Vixen. It was around this time that I got into thrash metal and and discovered Metallica (Master Of Puppets, And Justice For All) , Anthrax As the 80s closed I was heavily into Helloween, Maiden and Queensryche. I could waffle on for hours about this and name hundreds more bands but I'd better stop now.

Basically I hated virtually all of the 90s. Magazines like kerrang chose to ridicule all the bands that I loved and promote the depressing grunge, alternative stuff that I still hate. Without internet access I found it very difficult to keep with the scene although there were some quality bands around I tended to follow bands such as Metallica, Megadeth, Ozzy and Yngwie Malmsteen. The majority of cash I spent on cds was updating my vinyl collection.

When I finally got internet access in 98 it didn't take me long to get back into the Power Metal scene - thus here!

Here are a few of the albums that I think influenced my taste:

Dragonmaiden's comp is away for repair so she asked me to put this post up for her:

The first rock album I bought was Rush - Permanent Waves. And the first live band I saw was UF0 in 1980 at Middlesbrough City Hall. I was also fortunate enough to see many of the 'NWOBHM' bands such as Tygers Of Pan Tang, Raven, White Spirit, Tank, Saxon and Quartz. I also saw Iron Maiden on the Killers tour and went to Castle Donnington in 81 and 82.

These are the main albums I remember listening to the most as a a child:

Rush - Permanent Waves
Motorhead - Bomber
Iron Maiden - Killers
White Spirit - White Spirit
Eagle you did a good job there!. However I was a teenager rather than a child.....:lol:

I just wanted to add a little more....:)

I got into metal by listening to my then boyfriend's record collection at the tender age of 15. He was a big Motorhead fan and we were fortunate enough to have parents who gave us enough freedom to attend alot of gigs. This is why I was lucky enough to see alot of excellent bands during the Eighties. I think Eagle has mentioned quite a few of the bands I had the oppotunity to see..others that I remember well.....Motorhead on the No Sleep Tour at Newcastle City Hall.....Maiden on the Number tour ....... Gillan ...I think it was about the time of the release of Future Shock..:)

Oh ....Symphony...I remember the very first issue of Kerrang...I was travelling to London with my parents and found a copy in a motorway service station...It had Angus young on the front :D
Ah, what a great topic for discussion.

My initiation into METAL was "Metal Works" by the mighty PRIEST!

I was only thirteen and to quote a cliche - it changed my life. I was a bit pissed off when I found out that Rob had left the band as I'd only just discovered them!

Judas Priest were the band that inspired me to pick up a guitar too so I guess they're probably the most important metal band in my life.

After that I bought the first Maiden album, "Ram it Down" (Priest again) and Annihilator's "Bag of Tricks" complilation. I've never looked back - We are "Defenders of the Faith".
I can only hope that somewhere down the line there is in fact a hint of truth in the rumours of a Priest Reunion. No disrespect aimed at Timothy 'Flipper' Owens (I think he does an excellent job on Jugulator) there will only ever be one Rob Halford.

Also I wonder what Priest would have sounded like if Ralf Scheepers had got the job!? I'm glad he never did though cause I'm a huge Primal Fear fan!
My first metal album was: Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia.. :) I started with..(*whispers* papa roach) though..*ashamed* :p But I don't classify that as metal.
I dunno, did everyone just start to listen to metal at once here? Don't you have to "build that up", like, start with rock and go on to metal? ...Or is it just me?
(Probably :s )
Originally posted by Eagle
Basically I hated virtually all of the 90s. Magazines like kerrang chose to ridicule all the bands that I loved and promote the depressing grunge, alternative stuff that I still hate.
Sadly, nothing much has changed since then. Kerrang! has gone from being a rock magazine to being a fashion and image magazine, and it seems to be working for them, as they're now the UK's biggest selling "music" mag, having finally overtaken NME earlier this year. I think it was summed up perfectly by TheDean on the Sinergy board, who said:
"kerrang" rarely, if ever, features the noise "kerrang"

maybe they should change name to "BEEP, WOOP, DISK SCRATCHING NOISES!" or "STRUM!"
As for my introduction to metal, it's hard to pinpoint, but probably Bohemian Rhapsdoy was the first rock song I really remember. After that, it wasn't until the early '80s, where "Run to the hills", Slade's "We'll bring the house down" and Rainbow's "I surrender" got me hooked. As for what got me into power metal, I'd probably have to say either Warlock's "Triumph and agony" or "Keeper of the seven keys, part 1"