The Flame Princess...

I want to try to express something more neato than 'Happy Birthday!'


Send her a lovely poem. Chicks dig poems, it makes them think you're intelligent and compassionate (or something).

Here's a lovely poem I found on the web:

Unrequited Love

I've been holding this picture of you in my heart,
that keeps a spark glowing when we are apart;

You never notice the way I yearn -
Nor the way you make my pulse churn.

You never take heed of the way you knock me off of my feet -
The way I find your caressing smile ever so sweet;

You don't understand what I mean to say when I return your glance -
the one gaze that sends me into a hopeless trance;

There is nothing more this poor soul has to imbue,
than to not go another day without being closer to you.

My, isn't that simply inspired?

It was written by a chick, too - so it must have some kind of secret chick code thing going on between its lines that'll make her secret chick bells and whistles go all aglow.

Hell, man - I dunno. Having just an e-mail addy makes it pretty tough.

Send her a computer virus and tell her you wish you could give her a better virus in person.

Or mebbe that's not romantic.

Sorry, you're on your own.

...although that Garfield web site has e-mail birthday cards you could send... that Odie! What a riot!