The following people are hot.

shucks... welll... of tehs eUM folk, i ldoth oloveth gavgav, näät, lars tehe sod and ralfski.

*bums syou all*
stop being a cunt, so how's that? You make sex with us and we all have a good time doing scottish dances and now you say you don't like us anymore?

;) :lol:
breaczha???? cause im russians since when? dud e you made em eosund like i shoudl wear a cloth on my head ana dcarry a basket
-Gavin- said:
Excess, Hatecrewchick, Southern Belle In Helle and Drakkar Anni... As well as the european racing crew... when the fuck did you's stop beign german?

Eiother way!

Haw! Anyone else i've forgotten! Haw!!!!! You're hot too!

Aww, gavGav I feel honored! :blush:

I Love you too, man!!:yell: