The Formation of Damnation Review

Great review...I agree with every word in there! (Although I miss some of the speed from The Lagacy/New Order period...)
Henchman is (so far) in my opinion the best track...
I just finished giving it one spin on my player, the 09 years wait was worth every single second of it.
This album is just so scarily close to The Legacy/Demonic/The Gathering; that I cannot believe that it's been 09 years since the last monster these boys unleashed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chuck, Eric and Co. - Thankyou!
It's good to read all these enthusiastic reviews. The album must be killer indeed.. like we ever should have had a doubt ;)
I see Sole Reaper can' t wait to hear it too, as he finds new reviews every couple of days..
Herd a demo tune in metal hammer,the free cd and by fuck i cant wait to get the bitch on cd

chugga mungas and 9 year wait,fucking well worth it guys,just cant wait to hear the full dose of it \m/

Now a gig in Ireland to blow sum cobwebs off lool:rock::rock::rock:
I have a promo for TFOD and indeed kills.

It's like a mix between The Ritual and The Gathering, more focused IMO on the ritual, more clean voices than growls, some songs are a perfect mix between those albums, anothers like Afterlife sounds a lot like TR material another more TG as title track.

While Chuck performs excellent, Eric did an amazing job too on songwriting, Alex have really nice moments and the solos are killer, all of them and Bostaph did a really good job on drums, I have a disappointment from Greg. he's doing almost root notes, nothing compared with his job on Low. Actually I would like to hear this with the hippie Steve on bass.

This is a thrash album, no doubt of it, a very modern type of thrash, but it's totally thrash. I dunno how many bands that ruled the world once can release an album so strong as this on 2008.

Honestly, Testament is one of the few bands who can play live songs from all his albums and the setlist will still being killer and who doesn't live from a past glory buried 2 decades ago.

Congrats to the band, nowadays you are the best thrash band over the earth.
I got my copy in yesterday at FYE and this album has been kicking my ass! I love it! To me, just like The Gathering, it's more about being guitar-driven riffs than anything else. The solos are amazing and it's just a thrill to hear these guys do what they do best - kick ass! I also have to say that I loved Paul Bostaph's drumming on Exodus's Shovel Headed Kill Machine and was stoked to hear that he would be on this record. I can honestly tell you that he doesn't disappoint - he's a machine on all of these songs, including the intro!

All in all, thank you very much Testament! This album RULES!!!
I thought the solos ( Alex's) and the drums both needed more,I was excpecting it to be little more technical on the frets and more double bass on the drums.Don't get me wrong I'm loving the shit out of this album it's brutal it's so good to here new shit after all this time! Without a doubt the best cd I've bought since " the gathering".As far as i'm concerned there are a lot of bands out there at this moment that should be hanging their heads in shame because of their suckiness and thinking they have brought us the metal but have not. You will here my car coming from a mile away for a long time.Thank god for Testament
Hey guys..
just posted my new Testament review at LivingForMetal.

here's the link:

The Boys Are Back In Town!!!!!!!

Who likes Thin Lizzy around here? :p

I thank ms.Anthrope for introducing me to such an awesome band :kickass: .

Anyway, here's a review from the web-page in which I write (I didn't write the review though), ¡solo Español! Disc/Resenas/Testament_TheFormationOfDamnation.html

The Boys Are BAck In Town...
was the last song played over the PA before Testament played live in New York City at BB Kings, a few weeks ago....the lights went down..and....bam! They are definetly back in town....So far that is my favorite Years...!

Ms. A.
I wonder if Testament talked about the show in NYC? becasue it was insane..the band and crowd worked off eachother.such energy that night..never,ever seen BB Kings like that before.