The Forsaken - Arts Of Desolation

Mountain Man

Blow It All To Hell!
Feb 24, 2002
West Virginia
After seeing the majority of everyone’s top albums of 2002, I must admit that I’m pretty damn surprised that the album Arts Of Desolation by The Forsaken on Century Media Records didn’t make many lists. Really, why this band hasn't received more accolades for their release of this album is beyond my comprehension. I also have their debut album: Manifest Of Hate and it’s definitely an intense professional death metal release, but I still believe that Arts of Desolation is a better album. I’ve spun this album in my stereo many times; and I still continue to enjoy it. Why do I enjoy it so much? Even though The Forsaken employs the melodic elements that have become so closely associated with Swedish Death Metal (which I love), the melody aspect clearly takes a backseat to heaviness within their formula. The guitar duo of Holm and Persson rival many I've heard. Kit work by Nicke Grabowski is stellar: fast, driving & precise. Anders Sjöholm’s guttural vocals fit the violent music to a tee and finally, Stefan Berg’s bass lines are chunky and thundering throughout. I bet you’re saying to yourself, “Man, doesn’t this guy see anything wrong with the album?” To answer that question, yes I do. The song “Dethroned” seems to be out of place on the album, I swear it’s a Morbid Angel rip-off, I just can’t figure out which one. Well, that’s enough of me praising this album. I wanna know what you people think of it!
I remember downloading and listening to 3 of the tracks from Manifest of Hate a long time ago, but they didn't really bake my muffin.

I've gotten more into the speedy melodic deathy hyper aggressive thrash sound since then though, so I'd probably appreciate them more if I heard them again. Unfortunately, I can't really listen to music anymore without having bought it'll see!