The Freeze-Dried Marshmellows in Kids' Cereal kick ass!


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia

Erik said:
We don't have flashy cereals in Sweden. The flashiest/closest to candy we have is probably Frosties, but then again 60% of our population isn't overweight
The cereal could be it. Like, feeding your kids marshmallows and chocolate cereal for breakfast? Ick.

(nevermind that my family used to feed me chocolate cake and cola for breakfast... but then I never got a healthy lunch -- only bread)

Marshmallow cereal is for kids only. I feel icky just thinking about it. Give me my low calorie/fat/carb breakfast anyday.
I wasn't really allowed to eat cartoon food while growing up, but the occasional box of Lucky Charms, Fruit Loops, and Apple Jacks was always fun.

Best cereal evAr:


Best non-cereal breakfast involves eggs. Most days I eat an apple, piece of toast, or nothing because I'm late for work as usual.
Oh goat, fucking donuts. Those things feel like a lead weight in my stomach. They are damn good, but I eat about 3 a year. So unnecessarily fat.

I love watching American diets at the market, it's fun. I always have a cartful of veggies, chicken, bread, milk, and other similar crap, then watching these SUV driving soccer momz with like 4 cases of soda, pre-packaged frozen cartoon meals, pounds of chips, Capri Sun (seriously, what IS this stuff!?), etc. is just great. I laugh at them while pointing!
I think in this case nobody thought of another marshmallow based kid cereal to do the traditional post-a-similar-image-in-caveman-like-mimic-response fashion. Honestly I tried, and could only think of Lucky Charms.
I don't actually eat that stuff for breakfast though. I just got a box last week and I've been eating slowly as a snack, like a handful every here and there. When I want cereal I really eat

All this dieting bullshit lately is fucking lame. Especially won't eat a single potato chip, but continue to drink loads of fucking beer! Do people even think?
I dunno, I'd give up tater chips long before beer. :loco:

Overconsumption of beer is my diet weakness. I eat pretty healthy, and even when I eat shitty fast food (which isn't often) I don't get the Uber Mega Happy Burger With Extra Bacon Grease. Well, about 5 times a year I do, you have to live sometimes.