The Gates of Slumber/Cianide/Ares Kingdom/Superchrist 11/24 ROLL CALL

Gates absolutely crush live.
I hope they play after 2AM after a few beers, as I hear that's the best way to experience doom live!! :)

I am on the fence as well. It will be busy enough of a weekend, and I have been to enough shows lately, so I am kind of "showed" out.

Though if you want some good hipster watching, there will be no other gig that evening with a better opportunity.

The hipsters have gotten "hip" to Gates in recent years, and this one is on THEIR home turf, being the Bottle.
I am surprised you and the "doom dogs" are not coming to support Gates.:wave:

I know what you mean with being showed out. It always happens with shows for me as well. They all get bunched up in the same month usually.

I do know last time Cianide played it was pretty much packed in there so people who plan on coming late to the show may risk it being sold out.

As Jason is hipster territory. be warned.
Yeah, believe me. Its not that I am NOT interested.
Just been to 3 shows in 3 weeks, which is a HELL of a lot for me, personally.
I have seen Gates many times, so it's not a mandatory gig for me.
As I said, it might be a last minute thing for me, but being a holiday weekend, don't know what's going on yet.
Got friends in from out of town and stuff.

I am sure it will do really well.

Dear lord. The two PENTAGRAM shows at the Bottle were completely filled with beards, dark rimmed glasses, skinny jeans, and Mastodon shirts.
Dear lord. The two PENTAGRAM shows at the Bottle were completely filled with beards, dark rimmed glasses, skinny jeans, and Mastodon shirts.

At one point in my life, I fit 3 out of 4 of those 'hipster qualifiers!!!' (admittedly the Mastodon shirt was only because it was free and I was a broke college student).
I was over that way on sunday for a wedding and dear is just as bad as Wicker park now with hipster couples and stuff. Just walking from my car to the bar I saw so many goofy looking people. Do these people look at themselves before going out????
At one point in my life, I fit 3 out of 4 of those 'hipster qualifiers!!!' (admittedly the Mastodon shirt was only because it was free and I was a broke college student).

For the record, I don't hate hipsters or anything.
I mean, they certainly spend a LOT of money on records and seeing bands live, so I have to respect that.

I just find the look silly. It's basically like, "Hey, we just carried over our look from the late 90s when we were ahead of the curve on the emo look"
Do these people look at themselves before going out????

Pot meet kettle..............
Definitely glasses and tight shirt, tight pants.......
I have much hatred for hipsters.....I hate people who cant think for themselves or have to think they need to dress a certain way to fit in. Nothing worse than someone who tries way to hard to be something they are not. Plus the whole crazy facial hair thing is stupid. I can see how someone would say I was over reacting but I deal with these people on a daily basis on the train / work / and anywhere I go in the city. Like what you like and just dont like something because you see everyone else liking it. What is even worse....they have invaded comic cons / comic collecting now as well.

I am currently tracking down one hipster bike messenger who uses out washroom at work and shits and doesnt flush in "MY" stall at work. He is my white whale so to say.
Sorry to hear about the situation out there, haha. My area certainly has a very high per-capita hipster proportion, but they generally have other music they are fixated on. I've seen Gates in Boston two times, tiny place, metalheads only. Saw Pentagram once, bigger place and a bigger crowd but still old metalheads through and through. Hopefully your observed hipster-metal trend is not moving its way eastward :p
Sorry to hear about the situation out there, haha. My area certainly has a very high per-capita hipster proportion, but they generally have other music they are fixated on. I've seen Gates in Boston two times, tiny place, metalheads only. Saw Pentagram once, bigger place and a bigger crowd but still old metalheads through and through. Hopefully your observed hipster-metal trend is not moving its way eastward :p

I suggest buying black market Agent Orange to get rid of them. Chicago is infested.
Sorry to hear about the situation out there, haha. My area certainly has a very high per-capita hipster proportion, but they generally have other music they are fixated on. I've seen Gates in Boston two times, tiny place, metalheads only. Saw Pentagram once, bigger place and a bigger crowd but still old metalheads through and through. Hopefully your observed hipster-metal trend is not moving its way eastward :p

I want to go back to Boston.........
I spent most of my time in the Financial district.
Only made it "downtown" when we went to Fenway.