The Gathering

Don't damn me but I only got The Gathering last week but since then its not left my cd player. I got to confess Testament were never my favourite thrash band, always prefered Overkill and Metal Church but jesus TG is good. As soon as the drumming starts on D.N.R you know its something special. Credit has got to go to Andy Sneap for the sound I know he mixed this album but he must be the best producer around at the moment. Legion of the Dead, KILLER!!!!!
Originally posted by Bodylouseuk
Don't damn me but I only got The Gathering last week but since then its not left my cd player. I got to confess Testament were never my favourite thrash band, always prefered Overkill and Metal Church but jesus TG is good. As soon as the drumming starts on D.N.R you know its something special. Credit has got to go to Andy Sneap for the sound I know he mixed this album but he must be the best producer around at the moment. Legion of the Dead, KILLER!!!!!

Andy is the man!!
DNR is my favorite on The Gathering, but what about The Fall Of Sipledome?!?!?!?! I slam my head into my monitor everytime Lombardo kicks in!
I rarely get past the first 4 songs - which rule. The rest of the album, with a few exceptions, does little for me.
Gathering is one hell of an album but there's many thrash albums that beat it (IMO): Metallica - all the three first ones, Megadeth - Peace... and Rust.... and Slayer - reign... and seasons...., and testament - The New Order.
The Gathering is a good CD, but there are quite a few better thrash CDs. Sadus "A Vision of Misery" and "Elements of Anger", Forbidden's first 3 ("Forbidden Evil", "Twisted Into Form" and "Distortion"), Defiance "Beyond Recognition", Testament "The New Order" and "Souls of Black" (Practice, too, if you consider it thrash, I think it is more progressive), Overkill "The Years of Decay" and "Horrorscope", Metallica "Master of Puppets" and "...And Justice For All", Megadeth "Peace Sells" through "Rust in Peace", Vio-Lence "Oppressing the Masses", hmm... that's all I can think of that are better. Of course, that's just my opinion, so it doesn't have any more merit than yours. Either way, "The Gathering" is a killer CD.
Just got it new tonight. It just plain SHREDS! I waited and waited to get a deal on eBay... never happened so i had to buy it new at retail... no regrets at all.

Someone said they only liked the 1st 4 songs so i started it at track #5. This album rips. :hypno: Cool riffs galore. I'm saving the 1st 4 songs for tommorrow.

I'd fully recommend this album to anyone wishing to hear the best at the front line of American Metal.
The thing that makes the gathering one of the best albums, is the time it was made. All other bands has sold out to commercial sounds, but here comes Testament roaring heavier than ever. That's what's so fucking great about this album. Had it been made in the mid 80s it wouldn't have been any more greater than most other trash releases back then.
the gathering `kin rules. Hats off to TESTAMENT and now DESTRUCTION again for keeping the best of thrash well and truely alive. Thrash til death ! ( ps I also love loads of new stuff, rammstein, static x, system etc, but there is always a place in the market for good thrash, as opposed to poor death/black metal thrash offshoots ( fuk em all to hell ). Let`s give the kids something really good to listen too `downtuned` thrash instead of some of today`s piss poor ( black/death again ! ) substitutes !

bang that head that doesn`t bang !
Well i finally listened to the first 4 tracks today. Why did i wait so long? I was just saving it like $ in the bank man... i knew it would crank... fine red wine... so i just waited on the right time.

I've got Souls of Black, The Ritual, LOW and now... The Gathering.
This is a bitchin' album and my favorite of the 4.

To sum it up? The Gathering is ...
SMOKIN' :hotjump: ...
MEAN :mad: and just plain...

S C A R Y ! ! ! :OMG: