The GAY AND LYING T-Shirt --->2nd edition!!!!

but how can an inanmate thing like a shoe lie..... It has no concious state of mind therefore can neither be gay. The real question is, is the person whom is wearing the shoe gay?
Havent you ever talked with your shoes??:lol: Ill do it all the time..:P We have quite intresting conversations..:P
Originally posted by Tut Ankh Amon
@burningangel: hey, we don't talk to our shoes because we have the bodom boards to spend our time :lol:

Thats true..:p
But its fun to talk to your shoes..:D Try it, you have to love it!!:lol:
Try ask them where they want to go and then follow them..:p
I'll promise that youll find yourself from some shit-smelling junkyard or something..:lol:

A'm I bored?? :grin: :spin: :lol: