THE GETAWAY PLAN (Melb Aus) - David Bottrill

it does sound awesome .. but it sounds like they have stuck with the same old formula since the last album
I wasn't a huge fan of Phantoms, it's an alright song but not an outstanding song. I think The Reckoning is much stronger and love that it is heading in a direction musically for them.

Can't wait for the album.
I've always been a closet Getaway Plan fan :p I really like this to be honest. Nothing groundbreaking or too exciting going on, but I'll wait for the album before I judge it completely. Good stuff though :)
I've always been a closet Getaway Plan fan :p I really like this to be honest. Nothing groundbreaking or too exciting going on, but I'll wait for the album before I judge it completely. Good stuff though :)

Yeah i've heard that the album is pretty damn amazing from a guy who got an early copy to review for a magazine, are you heading to the show at the hifi in december?

There are a few live versions floating around on youtube which will give you some sort of idea about what to expect, I think it's going to move a bit further away from the heavier aspects of their previous releases. Sort've like how Silverchair started drifting into softer music.