The Ghost Inside

Latest TGE was produced by Shane Frisby. Not a name I've seen around here really.

To be honest I've never quite understood the fuss about this band, all the hardcore kids seem to go absolutely nuts for them. I mean they're ok-ish, but alot of guys I know act like they're the second coming of jesus or something. Just don't quite get it myself.
I'm a fan of TGI.
honestly, I can't say why they get so much street cred. it's just one of the band chemistry things.
there's just something about the exact way they play things that just hits home for a lot of people.
Ryan had posted a thread about TGI...
Guitar was rectifier trough mesa oversized. 2 sm57 in regular fredman.
Drum shell was a blend between natural drum and somes supersonic drum samples...

All this infos was posted before btw... Sorry to be that man.
10/25/2010 9:31 PM
From: Damage Studios <>
To: Catharsis Recordings (

AWWW dude thanx my man!! It's really awesome to hear the kind words!!
To be honest with ya, i think by now i've forgotten about that entire session hahah but here goes:
Guitar rig....
Mesa Triple Rec i THINK. Red Channel With an overdrive in front, i believe Maxon 808. I THINK. Mics - two 57's... one straight on the cone one at a 45 degree angle on the cone.
Drum Samples...
Holy shit dude i have NO clue. I always rotate them and hardly ever use the same one twice. I CAN tell you that it came out of one of the Drumagog sample library's that I bought. Supersonic Drums. Both kick and snare. But they weren't just samples, the snare and toms are blends. And of course lots of room mic goin on in that mix too i believe.
Always go with my trusty VSS3 (tc electornic) I love the room verbs on it.
anything else man just let me know!! Thanks again for the compliment... it TOTALLY helps!
TGI recorded at Undercity Studios in LA with mawi while he was still there. Mediaskare's studio. Shane Frisby only recorded Bruso's guest part and another part from someone else i believe. I don't remember who mixed and mastered it. It will come to me though, I just cant put my finger on it. -_-