The goodies thread


They all look like they just stepped out of a smoke filled Scooby Doo van.
Two Irish men walk into a pet shop. Right away they go over to the bird section. Gerry says to Pat "Dats dem". The clerk comes over and asks if he can help them. "Yeah, we'll take four of dem dere birds in dat cage up dere" says Gerry, "Put dem in a peerper bag". The clerk does and the two guys leave the shop. They get into Gerry's van and drive for two hours until they are high up in the hills and stop at the face of a cliff with a 500 foot drop.
"Dis look loike a good place, eh?" says Gerry. "Oh yea, dis look good" replies Pat.

They flip a coin and Gerry wins the toss.

"Hail fockin Mary, I guess I get to go first, eh boy?" says Gerry.

He then takes two birds out of the bag, places them on his shoulders and jumps off the cliff. Pat watches as his mate drops off the edge and goes straight down for a few seconds followed by a "SPLAT".

As Pat looks over the cliff he shakes his head and says. "Fock dat, dis budgie jumping is too fockin dangerous for me!"
now why are you being spiteful baldy? you know i can't go to the gym with my smelly armpits, people will make fun of me, then they will disappear, then they will kick me out of the gym and evacuate the building, and so on :erk:
btw, how are you getting along? i mean do people wear special masks when they're around you or they're just being nice pretending that you don't smell like a cesspool? please gimme your opinion on this one :confused:

oh and what is this crap about black clothes? i'm a flower power child just like you biatch :wave:
why wont you go to gym fatty? you dont need to go to the gym to get sweaty arm pits, just wear black clothes (greek code) and stand on the street :lol:
zupi_clone said:
you dont need to go to the gym to get sweaty arm pits, just wear black clothes (greek code) and stand on the street :lol:

i had a dead good laugh with this one, cheers baldy

but i have to admit it though, first i thought you're just a dumbfuck, but then i realised that you have a very distinguished perception of things, quite interesting. i need to work out some stuff on your theory though, so please tell me, that wearing_black_clothes_gives_you_smelly_armpits phenomenon is it only greek? i mean it won't happen to me if i stand on the street in lets say germany? please would you care to enlighten me on this one?

and another thing, i'd suggest you double the dose on the dope, or maybe try something else, cos whatever your on to lately apparently doesn't work, you're still boring, i'm out :wave:
Dwra said:
i had a dead good laugh with this one, cheers baldy

but i have to admit it though, first i thought you're just a dumbfuck, but then i realised that you have a very distinguished perception of things, quite interesting. i need to work out some stuff on your theory though, so please tell me, that wearing_black_clothes_gives_you_smelly_armpits phenomenon is it only greek? i mean it won't happen to me if i stand on the street in lets say germany? please would you care to enlighten me on this one?

oh god not another one, we had a somnium that tried to 'work out' things, yes its only greek, perhaps lay off the cake/suvlaki or whatever the fuck its called and drop the black clothes in 'the searing heat in the desert of your dispassion' :tickled:

Dwra said:
and another thing, i'd suggest you double the dose on the dope, or maybe try something else, cos whatever your on to lately apparently doesn't work, you're still boring, i'm out :wave:

where you going fatty? gym? awwww :wave: and what kind of dope would that be you have in mind? enlighten me :D