The Great American Gun Fetish

Even in liberal Portland, the debate on gun CONTROL and its opponents/proponents is not one-sided and not nearly as "overwhelming" as outsiders believe- a lot of democrats are gun owners being most of the state is rural. Still a heavily republican voting state, in fact. The notion that statistics and studies should trump current rights is where even democrats start to disagree. Stricter control laws will be continually called for...removing them entirely will not happen.
Saying that something will "never" be fixed so we shouldn't even talk about is dumb. I'm sure most slaves thought they would "never" be free, and there are plenty of other historical examples of massive, entrenched problems being overcome. Introducing strong gun-control regulations at a state level is useless, it needs to be a country-wide thing. Even many South American countries are awash in American guns, despite gun control laws in those countries. American guns are even used to fuel civil wars in Africa. It's a rotten disease at the core of society.
We don't fully understand other cultures just the same as we don't expect other cultures to understand ours...nor do we really care. That's how we roll...we offer billions of dollars in aid, food, vaccines, etc. to other countries. We also stop neighboring countries like North Korea from EASILY taking over less armed countries- I'm sure you wouldn't want us to "stand aside" and let countries like Iran, and North Korea do whatever they want. America is fucked up at times, but then again the world is fucked up.
Population control is an ugly topic that only nature has the balls to face...we're all destroying our own environment as nature works to "regulate" us- we all inadvertently take part in this symptomatic process. Pollution, murder, accidents...or just plain going nuts...take guns away and nature (we) will find another way to destroy ourselves. It's human nature, not just Americans' nature
When a country has a cultural problem that is ruining it, then it only makes sense to say that it should change. In some Muslim countries the oppression of women is "cultural" - shouldn't that be changed? In Spain animal torture (bullfighting) is "cultural" - shouldn't that be changed? In America the gun obsession has resulted in it being the most dangerous 1st world country in the world - shouldn't that be changed? "Culture" is no excuse for behaving in cruel, reckless, or inhumane ways. Furthermore, the American gun obsession harms far more than just Americans. Here's a study detailing how Latino America has been ruined by the massive influx of American guns:

And here's an article about how American guns have fueled civil wars in Africa:

This "cultural" gun obsession is a malignant disease that is infecting the entire world, and needs to be cut out.
...Asian cultures are oppressive towards women lol! And if El Salvador, and Latin American countries have the highest murder rates, maybe you should be focused on starting there. It not American citizens fault that our military SOLD guns to BUYING countries decades ago to protect themselves from....what?...neighboring countries who want to harm them. If we stop Mexican cartel members from bringing meth, cocaine, and heroin into our country, the big, mean Americans are looked upon as racist for "targeting" them despite the fact that overdoses, and drug related fatalities are rising quickly. Other countries are quick to blame the U.S. for their problems
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This "gun obsession" will NOT be cut don't understand American culture. We don't care about Australia, or Singapore- take those statistics, studies, graphs and YOUR version of "common sense" and flush them down the shitter. We don't run on common sense laws because everyone and group has their own idea of what's best...laws would never get finalized due to constant idealism (happening already thanks to the liberal entitled whiners). Some people just have to accept "no" as an answer...
You think guns should be banned in the United States...duly noted, that's your opinion. American guns owners have made it clear that the government is not going to (illegally) get us to turn over our guns without a civil war. Our government doesn't find it necessary at this point to start a civil war.
I said Muslim, not Asian, LOL.

Also, not all the guns fueling gang-related violence in South America were actually sold to the governments of those countries, most of those guns were illegally smuggled from the U.S., where buying a gun in some states is as easy as buying a lollipop (the ONLY country in the world where it is).

You rightfully acknowledge that American gun culture lacks any kind of common sense, logic, or respect for basic aspects of reality, and as I already pointed out, this is because of the millions and millions of dollars spent by the NRA on brainwashing these poor fools into believing nonsensical hogwash. The brainwashed pay scant regard to reality or logic, and trying to have a logical conversation with American gun fanatics would probably be quite similar to talking to Scientology cultists.

At the end the day, I don't think all guns should be banned. I think people should be allowed to have guns related to their jobs, such as hunters, but of course these should be tightly-regulated, not sold like candy at Wal-Mart.
My Asian culture reference was in response to you living in a Asian country (do tell),not your post...because every society has its downsides, and illogical laws. I don't believe current, private party, 'off the shelf' firearms are turning up in South America in large enough numbers to seriously impact homicide statistics-how would you even find reliable info?, these countries don't even do autopsies, let alone ballistics analysis to prove what gun it came from (no CSI episodes going on in South America!). I've been to Peru, and Argentina...REAL third world. Police are scant. They don't even use social security numbers, or any "census" to accurately track citizens...they estimate lol. I already stated there will be tighter regulations on the horizon, so...we agree after all!! (somewhat). Of coarse there is a small demographic of redneck, loose moral, mentally inept and militia types with bad intentions that need their gun rights taken immediately, but a mass majority of Americans aren't gun fanatics, or gun owners, even despite our defense of the constitutional amendments.
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Our country was found on primarily Christian principles..."free will", albeit with consequences, being one of those virtues. To sum up, citizens are worried if our sense of "free will" starts being regulated...where does it stop?, a very legitimate question. That's the conundrum in our country...leftists trying to change the constitution think their ideas are long they get to pay THEMSELVES to change everything. Much like rightists who want to pay THEMSELVES to keep things unchanged.
Strict gun laws might make it harder for bad guys to get guns

Strict gun laws might also make it harder for good guys to get guns to defend themselves from bad guys

Who will be more determined to get guns?

If they can't get guns, who will be more determined to achieve their goals by knives, vehicles, corrosive acid, homemade explosives?
Liberals- not necessarily democrats, like violence (for others, anyway)...they WANT more victims of "oppression" furthers their cause, and opens the door for their brand of self-serving and self-perceived "better logic"...
nothing beats a good hydrochloric bath.
Guns as a prime source of violence is vastly overrated. That's my number one argument.

I could run you over, I could slit your throat, I could mace you, I could drown you, I could leak poison in your home, I could smash your face with a hammer, I could tie you up in the woods to face the elements, I could set you on fire. Arguably, shooting you is one of the more difficult things to successfully accomplish out of all these options.

I don't understand the logic of pointing a finger at one potentially dangerous thing, which is part of our constitution and history, which as pointed out is even necessary in some areas besides for sport, and saying ...Nah, that's the bad one.
Of at least a few handful of people and friends I know who are not around anymore, guns were only the cause in one death. Murder, suicide, and accidents outnumber it 14 to 1 in my experience. Yeah, I believe they inflate statistics- I'm no right winger, but these are the same people who advocate for child molesters, saying it's "not their fault" and wanting rape victims to have mandatory counseling with their rapists...real sick ideas. the same people who think it's logical to tear down our constitution and take EVERYONE'S rights away...not just gun owners.