The Great Kat


Jackhammer Rape
Mar 18, 2004
Long Island
Has anyone ever heard of this chick "The Great Kat" ? She has some of the most ridiculous chops ive ever heard, and shreds like someone possesed. Not only does she shred on guitar, but she shreds violin too on her cds. I ordered her cd a few days ago cuz a friend told me it was wild shit, and i was totally blown away, hands down shes friggin ridiculous. She has this really wacked image thats kind of gay, with like being covered in blood and all sorts of dumb shit, but she can still shred. check out the website, its wild dude.
Yes they are..

By the way, that Kat-thing was the most hysterical I've seen for some days. Was it acctually music? :ill:
Come on guys, the spirit of Beethoven dwells within her. :rolleyes: Give me a motherfuckin' break. Ludwig would have been glad to be deaf if he had to listen to this dumb broad for the rest of his life. It's quite hilarious to view the site and find that she has herself listed among the greatest composers to ever live.
She certainly is the most pathetic songwriter I have ever heard in my entire fucking life, and if I were forced to listen to such garbage for more than thirty minutes I would grab a rope, and find a nice oaken branch.

And she's far from being in the top ten fastest shredders out there. People tend to overrate the difficulty of playing fast ... it's not so much hard as it is playing fast with perfect control and precision.
And all the notes I hear her sounding make me question the meaning of life, and why some have been given the chance to ever pick up an instrument.

God save this wonderful world and its denizens from having to listen to this, save us from the Great Kat. Oh wait ... I remember now, Ludwig Van Beethoven possesses her. I guess I am too lowly to understand such greatness this day and age.

Forgive us Kat ... we all dream and aspire to being just like you.

The Case for: Music(if that's what you choose to call it) can be used to render family members or friends unconscious, allowing easy access to their wallets and credit cards.

The Case Against: Besides being the absolute worst musician I have ever heard, even more awful than Boy George and The Culture Club, I can't think of anything offhand. Oh wait, every second of this garbage is like having a root canal performed on your balls with rusty tools that are also drenched with hot grease. For the record, that's bad.
I e-mailed her once, telling her to jack her ego down a bit. Nothing rude, just a little reality check for the lady. She threatened to sue me for harassment.

Oh, and her playing royally sucks, by the way. Sloppiest crap I ever heard.