The greatest 4 word sentence in the English lanuage


Aug 5, 2009

I came across this quote and fuck me, it makes perfect sense, the person whom said it and for the life of me I can't remember who it was that said "when I am in a serious depression I just look at my tattoo and I feel better knowing that it will pass and when I am in an Euphoric mood I look at my tattoo and I know it won't last"

I now think the same when I am feeling low, I know that "This too will pass"

I think this is the wisest 4 worded sentence I have ever come across and I thought I would share it with you guys as I know sometimes you have moments of feeling low

Remember "This too will pass"
Very nice topic man, put a lot of shit into my mind, but in a good way.

I am glad that you did find this of use, I see so many times people posting about how they are feeling down all the time and I count myself in this, I thought this is the ideal thing to share as clearly as we all know, we do, eventually get over the worst of things and it has inspired me when I have felt really down since my operation, now I am back at work, being with my colleagues once again and enjoying my job which I always have done and knowing that the feelings I had in the last 5 months are no longer there.
No... "I've" is a contraction thus one word... if it was left as "I have" it'd be two... unless I'm too baked to count :lol:

Yewr baked mate :lol:

This could be good for your show mate, it could you as a deep philospher and your hauf cut and fully baked listeners could go

"Wow thats fuckin deep man" and before you know you would hae a shitload of new wimmen cos they now realise that you are indeed the soft, senstitive man they have always dreamed about

I see your point in depressive times, but.. its kinda too negative in positive times. Like, say Evile are on top of the game headlining the most awesome tour worldwide, and they read their tattoo saying "THIS TOO WILL PASS". FFFFFFfffffff
I see your point in depressive times, but.. its kinda too negative in positive times. Like, say Evile are on top of the game headlining the most awesome tour worldwide, and they read their tattoo saying "THIS TOO WILL PASS". FFFFFFfffffff

Now you have ruined it,

Bastard, I wis talking about Euphoria and Depression ie, those puir wee manic depressive bastards whose moods that swings one way to another

Anyways, I am sure Evile knows that they will hit a peak and go downwards, all bands do eventually, sometimes it's nogalstia that keeps a band popular, it's a fact of life and with Evile it's no different

Fuck now I have ruined it



True. I like that last one. Its just if I wanted to tattoo something to cheer me up when depressed, I wouldnt want it to be possible to interpret in mostly negative ways. Id rather want a tattoo saying something like 'keep on rocking in the free world', you know..